What's the appeal of lol/dota? Why do subhumans play them?

What's the appeal of lol/dota? Why do subhumans play them?

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Is that what pirates actually look like?

Built for BBC. You just know she has a spade tattoo.

i want to get her pregnant :o

Sunk cost fallacy, I already spent so much money on waifu skins, might as well keep playing this trash game.

(please help me)

MMO experience condensed to an e-sport.

Who else would sit around farming for half an hour only to lose the game anyway lol

You just posted it

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>playing woke league

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Stockholm Syndrome

Why'd they do it? They even turned her into a dyke.

Must... Hot... Glue...

If you manage to stop playing for like a week the habit will be broken

No idea

people just haven't quit for good. not the "for good" where you get infernally angry once, tell yourself you're never going to play the game again then come back at most two days later like an addict. you need to find yourself in a position where something so miserable happens you chuckle to yourself then sit in silence for half an hour. there's *one* specific moment every player eventually has that makes them quit the game for good, and few have it

>Why do subhumans play them?
it's a free to play game so only poorfags and fatherless creatures play it

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Sounds easy, but for a LoL addict mentally ill patient like me, its hard


low spec
quick download
won't destroy the only computer your tribe has with viruses

Why do all gooks have this gay ass haircut

>quick download

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>giga babe Katarina used to be the female mascot of league
>got pushed aside for the ugly as shit crackwhore jinx

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My nigga that's Miss Fortune not Kat...