Non! vous ne pouvez pas simplement utiliser un langage facile à utiliser!

>non! vous ne pouvez pas simplement utiliser un langage facile à utiliser!

Official laugh at frogs

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>Frogs actually being based
But why?

Wow, I didn't know the french were this based.

>french is hard
Imagine être un idiot attardé d'anglais.

Because the French hate anglicisation

Are they forcing the use of the arabic equivalent or what?

To keep language purity.

>your "intellectual" class is more interested in translating homoerotic poetry form Burkina Faso than translating current english expressions or technical terms.

Ho wow our youth is speaking creole could that happened.


they tried to ban nigger ,but people still say it. Banning words is pointless

What are the official French words for these terms now?

Knowing the french, most definitely.

Daily reminder that the French keep their language pure by calling walkie-talkies talkie-walkies

It's the Academie Francaise, or the official French government institution that rules over the language.
They make French alternatives to English words to keep the language pure.

omelette do foreskin

le esports
le streaming

>l'academie francaise
hon hon hon

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>Sports électriques

I'm not from an english-speaking country and when I'm talking to my IT colleagues about work our speech is already over 50% english
it doesn't bother me personally but I understand why they would try to do that, to preserve some sort of language identity
I know north koreans don't use the foreign words (like telephone) like south koreans do, and instead invent some words based on native korean roots to substitute

Based. I wish we were as autistic about our language.

I thought france hated the quebecois why are they doing this

does it work?

That's a good thing
Fuck burger cultural imperialism
Quebec has been doing it for decades now.

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These are the same bitches who say "daddy's beard" when referring to cotton candy, nothing special.

>While some expressions find obvious translations – “pro-gamer” becomes “joueur professionnel” – others seem a more strained, as “streamer” is transformed into “joueur-animateur en direct”.
>Among several terms to be given official French alternatives were “cloud gaming”, which becomes “jeu video en nuage”, and “eSports”, which will now be translated as “jeu video de competition”.

no lol