Height = max

height = max

Attached: Yorshka offering a covenant.webm (598x334, 2.97M)


How did her neck stretch that much. Did someone fuck a giraffe to produce her???

>*chair clattering*


Is that Zelensky?

Amazons are a miracle of the universe.

Ah, I see someone finally restored the NPC dancer from DS3's pre alpha build...

Amazons are supposed to have good proportions and muscles, this is just a hungry skeleton

amazons are strong.
Poor thing is very fragile. it would be very easy to break her bones.

I too remember when TV would invite freak shows

put some meat and muscle on her and she'd look pretty good. shame about the soejima neck

She looks like she subsists solely on milk

>Have you heard of high elves?


Imagine the deep throat.

Marfan Syndrome.

imagine she was deepthroating you but then her stomach started rumbling and she started slowly swallowing you whole!!!!! hahahaha that'd be weird right!!!!!

Attached: DeeDee.png (720x900, 163.18K)

She looks like a nice person. Hope she's doing ok

>Elzen IRL


Attached: Elezen_male_female.png (200x361, 113.47K)

>itt fat tardos seething: the thread

what does it eat?

she’s not going to fuck you user