Look how they massacred my boy

Look how they massacred my boy

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dinosaurs, aka, terrible lizards don't have feather and look badass

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Science doesn’t care about your feelings

The JP one doesn't even look like a JP raptor, what the fuck is it

unless you are trans

By this point we need separate terminology for monsters and animals because dinosaur just gets both autists mad.

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>one is a movie monster from a popcorn flick for 12 year olds and 30 year olds with the taste of 12 year olds
>the other is a reconstruction in a documentary based on modern findings and research

add a beak to that you fucking coward

Is this what you 'i want to be mad' fags have been reduced to now feather rex got btfo in like 2014 and you can't seethe about that anymore?

unless you're

nvidia hairworks has gone too far

>east vs west

>Paleontology enables trannies
Take meds NOW.

Is it this supposed to be bad?

have you seen how many dinofags are trannies?

it's an Atrociraptor

seeFeather-rex isn't real, it can't hurt you

No, what you saw weren't real.

Why do you keep bringing up Mediterraneans?

I actually prefer how they look now. The Velociraptor is kino.

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>le science can somehow reconstruct the ecosystem of animals that lived millions of years ago.
Dinosaurs are a pathetic hoax. Look into the first discovery of "dinosaur bones". The guy thought it was a giant HUMAN thigh bone. Real history was much more interesting but us being hidden because it proves Islam is right.

Based schizo