Even whales are ignoring this gacha

>even whales are ignoring this gacha
Level-5 is a joke

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is a gacha? i thought it was a complete videogame

And yes, L-5 is pretty much done since Layton died.

All smart whales not in the global version, since they know that global is gonna be centered on another unpleasant things.

>I don't believe it...I made the title screen!

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is that dr. neocortex

>planned NFTs
Yeah, I wonder why people ignore this shit.

Basically, Level-5 teamed up with Netmarble and created a Ni No Kuni gacha. Not only that, but they also introduced a cryptocurrency which is used to buy the best equipment in the game. This angered many players, including whales

>Smart whales

>even whales are ignoring this gacha
Sounds just like PSO2 New Genesis. They lost 90% of their playerbase before the game hit the first birthday.

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>so, you think [ The System ] sucks, and are on your way out
>read this essay, and pick [ Your Favorite ] Sentence, so that [ The System ] might be optimized to prevent future personnel loss
hmmmmmm no thanks
nuh uh
pay me
no way, jose

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>gachatards aren't willing to be scammed
what a revelation, they appear to have standards

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>Level-5 is a joke
That hurts because it's so true. Fuckers used to make some good games back in the day, even before Layton.

>gacha with no sex appeal
>it flops
Imagine my shock

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The game is pretty good if you turn off autoplay

I can’t believe they made Dragon Quest 8

Did anyone even care about Ni No Kunny

I have been clicking next for a couple of days now and it's getting boring already, nothing to do with gacha or NFTs (which I haven't encountered). Haven't spent a dime.

Why won't they make a new Dark Cloud?

Thats on Sony.

Hino is the perfect example how one man can make a great company and then run it to the ground. What was he thinking? Nintendo localised and advertised their games, why give that up for mobile? Why still try to push multimedia project, it doesn't work, they can't even put out games at a reasonable pace, everything is delayed. I wonder how long before they go under or get bought