See a branching path

>see a branching path
>go explore it for loot
>turns out it was the path to continue onward
>have to go back the other way to find the loot
Anyone else have a Coke Zero® gamer moment like this?

Attached: coca-cola-byte.jpg (1268x664, 103.66K)

I work in Coke's marketing department and tried to stop this. Sorry.

Anime flavor coming in the Fall.

What does it taste like?

Idk how either of them taste I still can't find a Byte near me. My coworkers say Byte is like mixed berry.

Anime flavor tbd.

Attached: 1575136493597.png (1037x817, 865.08K)

I mean Starlight was pretty good. Though it's a kind of 'earthy' flavor that sort of blends together in my head with the 'ube' one that was a thing here in Hawaii the past month or two.

how many cans do I have to drink for the lootbox key?

Thanks for your efforts

Normally I'd love a mixed berry flavor but the fact that this is exclusively a Coke Zero flavor turns me off hard. Aspartame has the worst aftertaste and it destroys my stomach.

if they encouraged gamers, people who are completely sedentary; to drink full calorie soda when one dies from a fattie heart attack they could be sued.

I literally spat this shit tastes like syrup

>Anime flavor

NOW we're talking

Attached: 1631218192687.gif (512x596, 3.28M)

Is there an anime girl on the can or is it just Nihon themed?

I kinda wanted to try it, but
>60 grams of sugar in a 20oz bottle
>literal carcinogens in the sugar-free variety

Too early in the process for me to know I will only see full details a couple months before.

All I know is its "anime inspired coke zero product". This is part of our "Real Magic" campaign which is a big push for Gen Z. So gaming, trannys etc.

I'd rather have to work off the sugar than deal with the aspartame shits. Or the flavor. Aspartame is fucking foul.

I honestly can't stomach normal cole after drinking zero, it's just too sweet. Only sugared soda I can really stomach now is Baja Blast and that one I only put up with because I like that specific flavor.

Imagine that, except whenever you take the path forward, you're immediately locked out of everything else.

Attached: every room in alpha protocol.png (800x600, 10.22K)

I tried it and it gave me a headache that lasted several hours

Absolute fucking cancer

So just because the can has some pixels, it automatically means it's for GAYmerz? Is that what it's supposed to mean?

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