This was the worst Souls since 2 and I'm tired of pretending it's some epic masterpiece

This was the worst Souls since 2 and I'm tired of pretending it's some epic masterpiece.

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this is not a souls game, it is elden ring a distinct IP

I'm going to wait to form an opinion on this until i see what the majority of people think and then I'm going to choose the opposite of that.

Dark souls 2 has the most soul outside of any other souls game since and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. Elden ring is shit. Unironically the story and lore is AAA but the game itself is shit after you finish absorbing it. I put 200 hours into it and loved every minute but I can't for a second even want to even moderately play it ever again. 90% is worthless reused shit content.

Gaming hipster. No one thinks you're cool for not liking the popular thing. It's a completely different experience anyway and a welcome change.

It's Dark Souls 3.5

its better than 3 but 3 was shit

I really really hope they aren't just going to make open world games from now on

All the Namco games are fucking cancer. Only BB, Demon's, and Sekiro are good.

open world armore core would be ok with me

no one likes it


>200 hours
>loved every minute
you're really making a strong argument here

it's overrated but it's better than DaS 2 and 3

>months upon months of Elden Ring threads with steadily building hype
>game release to universal acclaim, threads are frequent and enthusiastic
>sales numbers come out
>it’s not just a success, it’s from’s most profitable game by a massive margin
>Any Forums instantly hate it because it’s popular
I truly despise contrarians. They are the niggers of Any Forums. I hope you useless faggots die in agony.

More like people were finishing up the game and realizing it wasn't that great.

Lol lmao

I had fun playing it once but unlike the other games replaying it is fucking retarded and not fun. And the eventual expansion pack it'll get should add more to the base game and fit seamlessly in instead of the usual magic teleport to the new area faggotry they do in every other game

>”b-but people are saying” cope
Complete non opinion, kill yourself anytime.

>Popular = good

I'm so tired of this shit from you obsessed retards