Settle it once and for all

Settle it once and for all

Looking for system shock 1? Consult you fucking boomer

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System Shock 1 > All

28 and only played for the first time a year ago. cope

SS2 >>> Prey >>> Bioshock

>System Shock 1 > All
With the original controls, it's borderline unplayable or at least hard to get used to
With modern controls, it's boring because you're supposed to be cripplied by the controls

Bioshock isnt even like the two others. The only thing it shares with system shock is the shock in their names.

It's system shock 2 with the RPG part cut out


>system shock for redditors being ahead of anything
no. nu prey should be dead last for killing off an actual good game (prey 2). go back you're not welcome here

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you've never played injun prey and you're just an eceleb worshipping retard

Bioshock is the only one of the three with an in-game checkpoint system so it wins by default. Autosave niggers have never beaten a game.

System Shock 2 hands down. BioShock and Prey are boring.

SS2 doesn't have autosave from what I remember

bioshock isnt even the same kind of game

kys moron

>noooo not my generic cover shooter

just look at the amazing soulful system shock 1 cover, and compare it to the generic computer whore of the sequel. there is no contest

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i have, retard. game is quite short and easy and it feels like parts of it have been cut off. regardless, the game is quite impressive, especially for how god awful the development cycle was. guns have a nice sound to them, and the guns you can use are a unique assortment as well. graphics are top notch for idtech 4, the outdoors sections are still good looking even to this day. environments are pretty unique in general, yeah its like another spaceship but i appreciate the take they did with the "sphere being a living organism" thing. the enemies were a bit spongey (especially in the end game), but the basic enemies are fun to go up against. shooting them on walkwalks is especially satisfying, with how they fall off the walkwalks as they die. with that being said i do have some qualms with the game. i wish tommy walked a bit faster, or had some form of sprint. i also wish there was some form of super hard mode, where dying has actual consequences instead of throwing back into a minigame. i also wish there were more puzzle elements, where using your spirit platformers didn't entail to "go use cherokee man mode to cross invisible bridge and press a button." i also wish the portal technology from the old builds was more realized, and not just glorified doors like how they are in the final game. but all in all its amazing how human head were able to make such a good game out of the mess that it came from, something that cant be said about that other 3d realms game. a remake/prey 2 could fully realize something too great. but no trannythesda had to come in with their autism and throw prey 2 away. and instead we get this shitty system shock clone for redditors. rip prey 2. go fuck yourself
prey 2006 wasnt a cover shooter you fucking moron

I was waiting for you
Your retarded meme opinion is retarded but thanks for the bump

Ultima Underworld>Thief: The Dark Project>System Shock 1>Thief 2>Deus Ex>System Shock 2>Terra Nova>Ultima Underworld 2>Arx Fatalis>Dark Messiah>Prey 2017>Thief: Deadly Shadows>Dishonored>Invisible War>Bioshock 2>Bioshock>Jurassic Park: Trespasser>Underworld: Ascendant

That's my wife you're talking about

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I was curious where you were going with this and the last bit was worth it

Bioshock 2 is the correct answer.
Better gameplay, story was fine fuck off, only flaw is no returning to explore other areas. More fun in all fields but unappreciated because "first game best" syndrome
Old and clunky, but at least playable compared to septic shit 1.
Good game overall but the eerieness is as minimal as the variety in enemy design. Powers, world, and story were just not as interesting. Loved the grav lift power though.

opinion discarded