Play Japanese game

>Play Japanese game
>American shows up
>Instantly the most based character in the game

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Attached: American on a different level.png (778x647, 444.3K)

>hamburger music starts playing

>persona 6 takes place in america
>mc is a school shooter
kino or cringe?

The view of Americans in Japanese media is still somewhat romanticized as one of the smoking hot blonde in a bald eagle bikini that's dual wielding 2 guns instead of the hairy rainbow colored political fatty you see now a days.

that's because Japanese devs have Paris Syndrome and think people like Senator Armstrong actually exist, when in reality he would be dying of cardiac arrest because he stepped out of his Ford F150 zimmerframe for too long

>Character is half american
>They have blond hair and blue eyes
That's not how genetics work

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No longer possible.

There is literally no better feeling on earth than being a white man in an asian country.
Go up to someone and just say howdy and watch them scream in excitement.

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>cowardly soldier who won't fight fair and spams the same moves over and over
>cheater and thief
>egotistical and delusional madman
>don't know what this tranime is but he looks like a zogbot

>>Play Japanese game
First mistake

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>he looks like a zogbot
he is literally america incarnate during ww2

You seem upset

Thats because America stopped existing after they lost the Vietnam war.
Now Americans are just a low iq slaverace.

He's so fucking good

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>imitation becomes stronger than the original

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God I hope that's true. But I probably won't find out either way. No plans to move to Japan in my lifetime.

>Asian women

Attached: 1653146492915.webm (540x960, 2.94M)

So... he's right

The best part is, it worked. Japs are now officially white

Don't move, just visit. Free pussy