PS5 in third place once again and Switch is still the king

PS5 in third place once again and Switch is still the king.

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>xbox sex

Good. Fuck Sony for cucking out to PC.

Attached: 1653951672129.gif (336x252, 1.11M)

>Xbox is selling more than PS5 in America
>But not in Europe or Japan

>Using VGshartz for any reason
At no point in their history do they get ANY numbers right.


Attached: ps5.jpg (987x555, 91.99K)



Do you have a more recent chart?

that is the most recent one.

>American company

Can't you put vgchartz in the title field or something for the masses that don't care about your consolecuck bickering?


Sony? yeah

King of the ports

>Xbox cucks and their VGChartz "estimates" again

Why Japan hates Sony?

But they were correct when sony was winning, or so you told me

>PS5 expected to sell 160 million, outselling the ps2's record
Haters btfo, holy shit

I don’t know why sony just doesn’t start shipping direct at this point. Pay your money in full preorder and get it in a month or two. I know they have their ps plus raffle but that is retarded. Just sell the damn thing.


-Virtually all first party studios in development hell
-No new games on the horizon from first party
-Halo is a dead IP. Tv show is a joke
-Gears dead IP thanks to female lead
-Fable developer admits to having no idea how to make Rpgs
-Tout games like hellblade and grounded as something people should care about
-Ignored by Japanese developers
-Gamepass wants to be Netflix of gaming meanwhile Netflix is unsustainable and moving towards day one movie theater. Same with hbo max.
-Cuck pass has had no new games worth mentioning since halo infinite, which as I stated earlier is a dead IP.

MFW reduced to posting fake vgchartz numbers to have an relavency.