30 days left

>30 days left
Any last minute monster prediction?

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Namielle will be in a title update and she'll actually be fun to fight

I beat Nergigante will be added at some point since they had him be a big part of Stories as well

Nami was already fun to fight
t. Gunlance main

Nergi would make sense as an invader for Elder Dragon quests specifically but that'd probably suck with the way monsters interact in Rise

Yama tsukami

All they need to do is change it so she stops being a walking shitzone and her fight would instantly feel better.

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now that tenderizing's not a thing, they'd kind of have to

Tetsucabra, Zamtrios
>Bird Wyverns
Yian Garuga, Malfestio
>Brute Wyvern
Deviljho/Savage Jho, Duramboros, Jade Barroth, Fulgar Anjanath
Daimyo Hermitaur
>Fanged Beasts
Furious Rajang, Kecha Wacha
>Fanged Wyverns
Odogaron, Stygian Zinogre
>Flying Wyverns
Monoblos, Red Khezu, Metal Raths, Gravios, Sand Barioth, Seething Bazel
Purple Ludroth. They'll save Lagi for the next MH probably
Probably none
>Piscine Wyvern
Cephadrome, maybe Beotodus
Nerscylla or Shrouded
>Elder Dragons
Kirin, Rusted Kushala, Nergigante, Crimson Fatalis as final DLC boss
Obviously they won't add all those, but I think a good number are safe bets.

Zinogre rare species

Just give me gore magala. Please.

Gigginox is the true last secret boss, he has been buffed to be above fatalis tier. The last title update monster is a giant Gigginox.

>A Gigginox like creature that absorbs any living creature, like thing from "The Thing"


>10 minutes in
>Khezu has appeared!

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Now that I think about it, Steve is the only flagship to not have a variant/rare species/sub etc, right? Maybe he'll finally get something

Tetsucabra, Jho, Nerscylla, Malfestio, metal Raths, Gammoth, Glavenus, Akantor, Ukanlos.
Apex Narga, Shogun, Malfestio, Lagombi Tetsu, Astalos, Galvenus.

Gore will be an update monster representing the xenomorph

Daimyo Hermitaur WON'T make it in
Neither will Great Jaggi, Jagras, Zamtrios, or Agnaktor

Uragaan and Yian Garuga WILL make it in
Lagiacrus, Glavenus, and Nergigante have above-average odds

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Golden Rathalos
Silver_ Rathian