Why aren't you playing Splitgate? It's better than Halo Shitfinite

Why aren't you playing Splitgate? It's better than Halo Shitfinite.

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thats an ugly artstyle. also just because halo infinite sucks doesnt mean this is good

Artstyle and gameplay are 2 totally completely different things dumbass. Sure, the Esports aesthetic looks cringe as fuck but the gameplay is solid. Maybe not be some shallow asshole user. You'd probably make it.

I'm too stupid to thinking with portals

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People barely use them even at higher elos though

I thought it was okay but it performs badly and visual clarity sucks. especially the crosshairs suck.

the fact that it's superior to a bad game really doesn't matter. lots of games are better than Halo Infinite and I can't play all of them.

big thing for me is the controller aim assist. not fun to play against with m+kb for me but not fun to play with because can't portal around quickly. i'm too mediocre at aiming to compete with it

>Why aren't you playing Splitgate?

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Nobody wants an arena shooter. Same people will whine and bitch about hero shooters and battle royales being the only multiplayer FPS games on the market.

>every single match is full of bots pretending to be players
It was fun for a bit when it was popular but I can't imagine it's got any better

Nobody uses portals the game is too fast and they can be easly disabled.

Halo 3 > Splitgate > Reach > Infinite in terms of multiplayer

I wanted to check it out after its reboot thing but heard it has crossplay and an ungodly amount of aim assist for controllers

>play Splitgate
>constantly get killed by bullshit aim assist shots from console players who vaguely aim at the head
>play the PC-only beta where they test a new matchmaking system
>no bullshit deaths, but a lot of pros and Twitch usernames

i dont play chinese knockoffs

Yeah aimbot is rampant. Don’t play any swat modes.

I met the developers before at a convention once they're just some white dudes from America.

That's just the bots. They have names like ttv_whatever and obviously have 'aimbot' in killcams

ill keep playing halo 2 and 3.

Killcams don't show the exact movements

my friends don't want to play it. which sucks because the one time we played it together we all had a blast. they rather waste their lives grinding apex or overwatch