Why does this device make people so angry? It's just a handheld

Why does this device make people so angry? It's just a handheld.

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People on Any Forums gets mad about everything

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who cares. post what ur playing on ur deck.

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Currently Testing out the Gyro capabilities. Sadly I cannot tune it correctly to the flying mechanism but its pretty neat to look around

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It is valvesoftware.com not valvehardware.com lol

More like a portable desktop.

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Because it's a reminder of how Valve apparently had the time to make this but not honor their existing promises to the communtiy.

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

it just should've been a semi-open console sold at retail without these stupid-looking trackpads

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Because people are getting ripped off instead of getting superior products.

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That thing looks a lot better. Still way too big.


If you want a shitty console just buy a shitty console.

meh, whatever. But you can't deny that this really should be sold at retail instead of requiring you to jump through so many hoops to even get a chance to buy one.

If I wanted a shitty console I'd get a steam deck.

what hoops? you make an account and pre-order you stupid fucking faggot. as opposed to (((retail))) where you pay for early access to electronics now.

Yay, only 4 more months till I can get the thing I reserved half a year ago. I love nu-zoomer era.

After some time with the Steam Deck, I really need those trackpads

how much is that?

The steam deck is a portable PC that actually has controls to allow for playing PC games unlike that shitty mockup.

I can't help but wheeze every time I see that keyboard. What a poor design choice, if I wanted a laptop i'd have bought one and a controller.

No one is angry, you stupid fucking faggot. Die in a fire.

and you hold with...?

user it just treats the on board controls as Xinput.

Are they planning on ever actually increasing production?

The trackpads aren't for looks, they are for functionality. You wouldn't be saying this if you actually owned a Deck

I will never be able to buy a deck in good conscience without trying it out IRL first.

If it can't fit in your pocket, it's not a true handheld.

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That looks so uncomfortable to hold and play games on

>that keyboard is such trash
>gaben-sama, thank you for the oversized touchpads that serve no purpose. Give me the honor of basking in your seed
Valve drone go home.
I play on my Win 3 all the time. The ergonomics are fine.

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yeah because trackpads are so good that they've been integrated into every computer ever. We do not buy mice for laptops because the trackpad is so good, the dualshock 4's trackpad was so good it was used for everything (totally not just as a singular button) and mouse companies are suffering under the thumb of the mighty trackpad.

If you can hold it in your hands, it's a true handheld. Handheld doesn't necessarily mean the device is pocketable.

>only 3 times the price of the Steam Deck
what a steal, lol

>sitting on your lap like a laptop
delete this you fucking tard lmfao.

>touchpads that serve no purpose
try playing Rollercoaster Tycoon with the analog stick