How did it feel to own one on release?

how did it feel to own one on release?

Attached: Xbox-console.jpg (1920x883, 182.2K)

my only experience with the Xbox was at a friend's place, but even the controller screamed "Designed for Halo" to me then.

Wrong controller OP, this is what you were getting on release. Overall, felt like owning a gaming PC because that's what it was advertised as.

Attached: file.png (750x750, 491.76K)

the Xbox was mythical, every game on it was essentially a classic, going from stuff like Sega Genesis and N64 to it indescribable, everything was loaded with content, had multiplayer modes, and the graphics were fucking insane.

if you hacked it and got emulators and could dump games you rented to the hard drive you had something better than a PC at the time, unfuckingbelieveable

could you surf the web on it?

You could with XBMC but it was shit

Attached: file.png (1440x2560, 2.33M)

Depends if you like Halo.

Interesting. What about the black and white buttons, what do they do?

originally they were more face buttons, it was cool

>black and white buttons
Basically the RB and LB of the original Xbox, but since they were harder to access, in Xbox games they were mostly used to secondary actions, like changing grenade type in Halo for example.

It is literally a Halo and Grabbed by the Ghoulies machine, and Deus Ex 2 was butchered to make it playable on it

Ah I see. The placement of them does look pretty awkward otherwise they have been good for fighting games

what are you talking about retard, did you seriously only play 3 fucking games

I also played the Conker remake and several multiplats

it was a cool system but it always came second fiddle after our ps2. we played brute force, and midtown madness 3 and that's literally it. we definitely underutilized it

wow, great use of such a great console, bruh

Literally who had it in Europe, it had good graphics but ps2 was superior choice

Basically, it felt like you were goddamn Batman.
The other consoles needed memory cards. You didn't.
The other consoles didn't have any real online. You did.
Your games didn't need to be cut down or butchered. You got the PC version of Splinter Cell Chaos Theory on console. You got KotOR 1 and 2. Fucking Forza made Gran Turismo look like a retarded invalid.

It's a shame all the OG Xbox consoles have self-destructed by now.

renting games from blockbusters & ripping them to HDD to keep them, playing Halo 2 custom lobbies and learning about sword cancelling to escape the maps, using mod tools to fuck around with the DLC maps online & make plasma pistol shoot out trains and shit. fun times

playing GTA on it while listening to my own songs via the radio that i burnt onto the xbox from a disk brings me back

I won't forget how mind blowing it was to me that I could listen to my own music while playing a game.

>It's a shame all the OG Xbox consoles have self-destructed by now
Yeah, it's ridiculous how Microsoft decided to go cheap on something as important as the clock capacitor. It just corrodes through the motherboard if you don't take it out, and they've all blown by now. Some consoles out there are just dying slowly with people not knowing the problem they have on their hands.

Protip no they didn't. A good amount of them are invulnerable to the battery problem. Ones made after a certain date in 04 like mine

Nintendo adopted this strategy for their controllers