Hear of a new upcoming game

>hear of a new upcoming game
>look for trailers/gameplay footage
>5 seconds in, notice over the shoulder 3rd person gameplay
Anyone else immediately loses interest at this point?

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you faggot underages are finally going through your own "every game is an FPS CoD derivative" phase

All snoy games. Not surprised.

Tell me What is bad about it and what is better

Even if you're a 3rd person game, you have no excuse not to center your camera. Over the shoulder is just for cinematic bullshit and a detriment to gameplay.

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No because I like it. The 3rd person camera situated anywhere else look stupid.

You were reaching for this one lmao

This but top down/isometric cameras

Infamous isnt an over the shoulder game??

Not OP, but the problem is not that over the shoulder 3rd person gameplay is inherently bad per se, the bad thing is that ALL major 3rd person games use this and only this kind of 3rd person gameplay, when there's a lot more

Games like God Of War(PS2/3ones), Prince Of Persia trilogy(PS2), Jack&Daxter(PS2), Luigi's Mansion, Hitman, etc, they're all 3rd person games, yet they all take different approaches to it

God of War has a primarily fixed camera which only moves according to player's position and or reached area, with it being sufficient far from the player to give a wide view of the playing fiels
Prince of Persia has a more free camera, but is focused slightly ahead of the player to focus on the action and possible paths laid out by the levels
Luigi's Mansion has a 2D side view in a 3D map environment
Jak&Daxter(like many other platformers) has the player centered with a slight low tilt giving a wide view of what's ahead rather than what's surrounding you
Hitman has the camera focused on the player's head giving a balanced view

All these different camera approaches to 3rd person give each game its distinct feel and separate them one another, as Hitman, J&D, PoP, Luigi's Mansion, and GoW are ALL 3rd person games, yet they all play entirely differently from one another.

On the other hand, all major 3rd person games made today have the over the shoulder 3rd person view, and as a result they all play the same

>hear of a new upcoming game
>look for trailers/gameplay footage

So is RE4 responsible for this perspective?

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you see the center of your screen better with it offset. hitman works because it's a slower game and isn't about skillful shooting.

only if it's a western sony game

I just buy random games at full price and if I don't like them I threaten to shoot up the video game studio that made it.

Max Payne 1 and 2 had centered camera and to this day few 3rd person shooter can compete with them.

RE4 was basically the first popular game to use it(or the overall first, not sure if there were some minor titles using it before), but games like Gears Of War popularized it, as well as other games like GTA switching to it while shooting

and that's one of the very few things that feels better in 3. I think a bigger factor and difference between those and most newer over-the-shoulder-shooters is how close to the character it is (which obviously makes it so you have to offset it) but having your character block less of the screen is the better choice, centered or not.

Why character is always on the left side?

I loses interest every time i see it's an fps. There is not enough tps at my taste. I'm still mad for cyberpunk77.
There is just too much fps, i don't even know why you complain about this.

I've never actually played an OTS game for more than about a minute. It's just like... not a game, to me

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dont care
sushima was great

From that pic only GOW and TLOU have an over the shoulder camera, retard

Being able to see exactly where you're "aiming" without making your character excessively tiny and centered isn't "cinematic bullshit".