Name a better, more chad multiplayer game

Its filters so well and skill ceiling is highest in gaming.

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You have shit taste, retard.

it's for tryhards only and not fun

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

>Whoever has better reaction time genetics and can click on a pixel faster wins
>30+ guns, only 5 are used

Fortnite desu. CS:GO is easy to learn/master. Fortnite chads are untouchable.

CS:GO players will be okay in Fortnite.
Fortnite players would be gods in CS:GO


>no ads

Insurgency Standalone

>skill ceiling is highest in gaming
DotA 2 would like to have a word with you.

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Jedi Outcast


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holy trifecta of filtering Any Forums


onions as fuck

actual tasteless bot

low key facts

trailer trash on dial up nigger

14yo niggers are not allowed here

I don't know what problem people have with being good at building, if people want a game where they are tested and do well by aiming good and shooting people, they can just play literally any other shooter game. I like that Fortnite requires a different skillset to be good.


most CS:GO players get filtered with Fortnite, Apex, and Rust

>started out as a console port of source that was developed solely by Hidden Path Entertainment that was destined to be abandoned just like the console versions of TF2
>started out somehow even worse than source, plagued with balance issues, materials that shouldn't have been able to shoot through, hit registration issues that are still there to this day
>Hidden Path quickly got booted off the job and Valve took it in-house because they realised plans to monetise the fuck out of it making massive dosh out of retards just like TF2
>in-house valve devs have been hopelessly incompetent ever since, every time they did an update or introduced something they completely broke something so bad they had to rollback changes (R8), they only ever want to update the game with more skins and capsules and not actually do any improvements to the game or competitive scene other than money laundering tax write offs
>two-pronged weakness of useless anticheat and suffers from the "gitgud" syndrome. Cheating in MM has ALWAYS been a problem and is even worse in recent years, Valve won't do anything about it when MM is rife with cheaters because it's not conducive to making more money. Also a competetive shooter so any legitimate accusations and proof of cheating is met with questions of lack of skill & "git gud"
>Valve refuse to add 128 tickrate to MM (a standard on pub servers 15+ years ago) despite there being literally no argument against
>said competitive scene has been plagued with match fixing, and even cheating even under tourney LAN conditions.
>community is one of the most awful online communities ever.
The CS:GO team are probably the most lazy and incompetent at Valve. Stop playing a dead game.

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>Name a better, more chad multiplayer game
There's literally none, it's peak online fps

>dead game
>700k+ every day
>2M+ viewers last major like 2 weeks ago
Just because you don't like a game doesn't mean it's dead you fucking jackass

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trash game, play a real counter strike. Literally all you have to do is look at the maps to see they have no idea wtf counter strike is with so much shit and junk all over the place, Valorant even got that shit right.


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CSGO investors what's your current strategy?
I sold my knife and dumped everything into STONKhold capsules. Seems to be doing alright. I'm holding for at least one year because the next major will switch sponsors so I think the designs will be different from Stockholm and Antwerp which would drive up the price.

Flies are attracted to dog shit? We are certainly not living in the golden age of Counter-Strike anymore. Everybody is stuck with CS:GO because nothing else quite PLAYS like CS. It's one of the only shooters that has existed for 20 years and hasn't been overtaken or done better with the style of gun play that it has. Valorant feels like CS, but the addition of hero like abilities just makes room for inbalance because they will always keep add characters with even more op abilities that have to be nerfed after existing for a month.

CS:GO is objectively the worst CS, but it's what we're stuck with so everybody endures it. Counter-Strike gunplay always used to be about movement vs. accuracy. And then CS;GO comes along, spends 3-5 years having obvious hit registration issues and them constantly toying with spray patterns, and ditches the concept of first shot accuracy. It's now a game where you can run around getting guaranteed ak strafing headshots rather than someone lining up a shot with planning and prep and clicking a head first go. That is not Counter-Strike

>ignoring literally everything else about that post

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