Games that require hundreds of hours to get good

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just learn painting instead. I can't draw for shit but I can paint pic related.

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>Tens of thousands of hours
>No major financial reward at the end unless you want to exclusively draw autistic R34


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>Follow a guy on twitter
>Draws really good R34
>has a mental breakdown saying no one will ever like his other drawings with mechs and beasts because they have no booba
>Next day continues like normal
Felt bad for the guy

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Do something interesting with them

>not just wanting to have fun

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Is there actually a significant difference in process?

I got into art exclusively to draw autistic R34.

You can do that just by playing video games though.

>game has 10000 hours of content
>99% of players quit after the 20 minute tutorial
Fucking casuals

why are you deliberately misleading people, you're better than 99% of the artists here, you know that you need to work hard to get good and just drawing for fun doesn't get you anywhere if you don't challenge yourself

I would 100% throw away my pride to make bank from wealthy furfags by drawing their weird and autistic shit

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You don't even have to sellout and do furry porn all you have to do is let some guy pay you for waifu lewds

I ironically got better by stop thinking about getting good. Having fun is what keeps you drawing more, hence more chances to improve.

Now if only I had art skills...

>waifu lewds
The problem with that is the market is heavily saturated. Every artist under the sun is doing it, and you're competing with artists much better with more appealing styles than you for commissions.

The best thing about it you DON'T have to be good. If you got the fetish that's in low supply or high demand you're good to go.

the process is roughly the same but they are entirely different skillsets, of course

This. I improved more by including drawings on my shitposting than when I actually tried to improve.

This except with NTR which is the real cash cow. Fucking Hasslenut and his fucking 200 dollar NTR YCH's that people fucking buy EN MASSE

>follow a guy on Twitter
>does really good fan art for a game
>his fanart is so good that the devs offer him a job as the mangaka for their tie-in manga
>has a schizomeltdown and cancels his contract
>literally the next day is beating himself up over it
>is so overcome by schizomeltdowns and selfhatred he deletes all his art off Twitter at least thrice and then decides to not do fan art of that game anymore
I fucking hate it

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Be interesting and stand out
The market is only oversaturated with basicness don't be a basic BITCH

In hard times, women do onlyfans, men draw furscatdiaperfat porn

>tfw you want draw something good but it's outside your skill range
It's like wanting to do a skateboard trick when you can barely do an ollie. It's the worst damn feeling.

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I will make a furry NTR western porn game and become a millionaire overnight

>even when the drawing turns out okay I get no joy/dopamine rush

w-when does it get fun?

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If you don't have a passion for it, it never will. Do what you love, not what you think will make you happy.

Otherwise, learn to love drawing. Figure out how to appreciate it, and do it for yourself

Why do artists charge shit like a dollar per pen stroke these days?

artist here, extremely basic line drawing, otherwise its an understanding of form, texture, and color

use drawabox guys, great if you are a complete noob

a good drawing can take a long ass time and you gotta make sure you're getting a good wage

Stop lying to me asshole I just want to draw my waifu

Inflation has finally come for drawfags and now even the Hues are catching on and charging decent prices and making the big bucks.

isn't doing it for others a better motivator? like people who do it to tell a story they want to tell or stuff like that.

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