ITT: Post your most hated developer

ITT: Post your most hated developer.

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contrarian bait

I assure you user, it is neither bait nor am I being contrarian.
I'm 100%, unironically sincere. At least in regards to my hatred of Larian and their games.

They quite literally never made a good game. Even as Black Isle. The Outer Worlds was the worst offender of the bunch and it wasn't even bogged down by that brainlet BASEDer and his funneled world views.

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is this the most contrarian thread on right now?

I wish these guys would hire a real writer

Apart from Mask of the Betrayer, I agree.
New Vegas was unfortunately too burdened, both by Bethesda design philosophy and their shitty engine. It was better than 3, but that's a really low bar.
>The Outer Worlds was the worst offender of the bunch
After that and Trashfire, I am certain that whoever is left at Obsidian is incapable of creating a good RPG game.

>It was better than 3, but that's a really low bar.
Its been a decade and we still don't have an RPG as good as NV my dude.

Is this a joke thread? Factually dozens of developers that put out actual trash like G2 or EA and you guys are like these guys who make niche CRPGs that no one has really heard of yeah fuck them.

NV is quite literally baby's fist rpg. If not Fallout 3. Bioware made better shit before and after they got shit at making games my dude.

>Its been a decade and we still don't have an RPG as good as NV my dude.
Picrel, but also Pathfinder and Age of Decadence.
They are in fact vastly superior to NV.

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pathfinder is not better than new vegas.

>Is this a joke thread?
>and you guys are like these guys who make niche CRPGs that no one has really heard of yeah fuck them.
>Divinity Original Sin
In any case, Larian makes shit games, cause there are actually niche RPG games out there that are beyond anything the dumb fucks at Larian can cook up.

Yes it is.
>Has an actual ruleset, and the best one at that, DnD 3.5e (Pathfinder)
>Has theorycrafting autism
>Meanwhile you can't really theorycraft in NV
Maybe you like the world and writing in NV better, but that's subjective so I can't get into that. Numbers however aren't, and that's why PF:KM is vastly superior to NV.
Cope, seethe, dilate etc.

I've never met a single average person that's played anything Larian has ever made same with Owlcat. Obsidian yeah because they made sequels to triple A games.

>developer that nerfs things in a single player game to create 'balance' rather than buffing other builds
Well if there's one area in which NV objectively shits on Underrail, it's that Sawyer reigned in his balance autism and let people become overpowered by the end of the game and improved underperforming guns instead of bringing down the powerful ones

>I have to meet a person who's played it
>I've never been on the internet so I have no real way to gauge how popular something is
I'll agree that Styg's nerfing was kinda gay, however
>Implying you can't be overpowered even with the nerfs
l2build bro
>it's that Sawyer reigned in his balance autism and let people become overpowered
Yeah, but being overpowered counts more in a difficult game. NV is braindead easy, even on Hardcore/Very Hard.

>Has theorycrafting autism
This isn't a plus to anyone who isn't an autist. If 90% of players are just going to look up optimal builds because you've oversupplied trivial bullshit that can only be evaluated outside of the game then you've objectively failed to create an engaging system suitable for a videogame.

We left behind using tabletop rules for everything like uncreative hacks with Infinity Engine games for a reason. Videogames will never be tabletop.


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>This isn't a plus to anyone who isn't an autist
>You have to be an autist to appreciate build diversity
>More choices is a bad thing

>uncreative hacks with Infinity Engine games
Some of the best CRPGs ever created
>Oh yeah, they're uncreative hacks
It was obvious bait, but I couldn't help it. There's your (You).

Original Sin has like a lifetime sales of 1.5 million with both 1-2 and has been out since the last decade. I bet 80% of those were from steam sales where it was 19 cents and nobody played it. Compare that to say Super Mario Odyssey or god forbid Skyrim which topped 21 million already. It's niche man good reviews don't mean people actually played the game. Also the games are good considering they were Kickstarters

I hate them too. They're normie strategy games, and they took the Baldur's Gate license and made another fucking larian game. I hate it.

Skyrim isn't a CRPG.
Divinity Original Sin is regarded as one by retarded dumb fucks.
Original Sin 2 sold a lot more.
Also it doesn't matter if it's niche or not, they're shit games.

not necessarily a good thing. FNV is more immersive than pathfinder and benefits more from being a video game. Between pathfinder being a dice roll simulator and everything looking like a game board, you might as well just roll a dice on your board.

>Has an actual ruleset
which is stupid and only exists to sell books explaining the rulesets. Someone should've realized that magic doesn't have rules, that's what makes it magic in the first place.

>Has theorycrafting autism
which is retarded.

>Maybe you like the world and writing in NV better, but that's subjective
it's less subjective than any of the points you raised above. the writing in NV being better isn't just a "maybe", it's pretty obviously a fact. The writing in pathfinder kingmaker is an unfunny joke.

>Something is subjective
>It can be a fact
I'm done giving you (You)s bro.

i just pirated Divinity original sin enhanced edition 1, what am i in for?

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Reddit tier humor and shit game mechanics.

you can't name a worse one

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