Drink Water!!!

Any Forums I gotta be honest with you. There's nothing better than taking a nice refreshing swig of ice cold water while I am playing video games. I know, I know... You're thinking "user is dumb, he is just another generic water drinker" but I'm serious! Try it for yourself, you will be amazed at the results.

Look this is gonna be a controversial topic but it just has to be said. Water, not soda, not beer, but just WATER will cure depression, malaise and motivate you to do anything, even if it's just playing video games. I was feeling down the other day and you know what I did? I picked up my Mason Jar full of water (plastic makes you a homosexual) and I drank it until my stomach was close to bursting. I pee'd like 8 times in the next hour but I was happy and I've never went back to my non-water-drinking ways since.

It is really amazing. God put this delicious blue beverage on our Green Earth for us to enjoy. Whenever I die in a video game I drink water. Whenever my mind wanders to my dead brother or the reality of the neo-caste system or the failure of Occupy Wall Street, or how I can't fucking beat anyone online in Tekken 7, I pick up my glass and drink, drink, drink!!

Water drinkers of Any Forums, a toast to you! My good anons, glug it up!

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Based and aquapilled. Stay hydrated, user.

watercels seething over sodachads

Hitler drank water

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Sodachads are big copers. All day long they drink up sugar water which just dehydrates them further. Diet soda makes you fatter than regular soda despite the latter being liquid cocaine. Like how is that? Rotting your teeth, creating insulin spikes, and providing nothing but empty calories and the facade of nourishment... It's just sad!

Now, cream soda, that I can get behind. But there's a reason it's so rare. Big Soda just wants to pump everyone full of artificial sweeteners and other bullcrap. I say down with Diet Coke! Forget the zero sugar nonsense! If you're gonna have soda, have the most sugariest concoction possible! It's certainly more enjoyable than a caffeine high.

I was going to but I don't want to now that someone else seems to like it

dehydration is a meme. Your body regulates dehydration with your pee, unless you crossing the desert nothing is going to happen.

For me it's room temperature but I agree with everything else you said

It's cold here

If you like the bubbly pure water then get a Sparkel water carbonator from Amazon. You put baking soda powder into it. You put citric acid powder into it. A water is mixed with powders. Gasses from powder carbonates a second seperate water. You drink the second water.

Water drinking is a dying art. I'll bear our arms till the day I die

Theyre putting something in the tap water and bottled fiji water

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If water is so great, why does my body get rid of it?

You're flushing out the negative toxins in your body. The more water you drink the healthier you will be. This is reflected in everything from your internal temperature to your skin's complexion.

Where my pee holding chads at?

Same thing for literally anything you drink and its fucking plastic the real problem today.

>flushing out the toxins
So water is toxic, got it

Well water is an acquired taste but perfectly fine once you get used to it, and much better for you than any tap water and most bottled. Take the ruralpill.

>tap water
>bottled water
I'm at my wits end how do I find good water? Are those filters good or are they just a meme.

>I know, I know... You're thinking "user is dumb, he is just another generic water drinker"
Nah, I'm just thinking you're a reddit refugee.

It's almost like maybe the science evolved in nearly 40 years.

What do waterbros think of MILK?

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>God put this delicious blue beverage
Water is clear, the fuck are you drinking? Pepsi Blue?

you fucking disgusting mouth breathing hick I bet your pee is rank

Probably a combination of micro plastics, ppb drugs in the water, lowering nutrient intake, lower nutrient value from produce, higher levels of obesity and lower exercise, pollution, etc etc etc. Don't worry though you probably can't afford to have kids anyways anymore so it hardly matters.

reddit drink

i'm sorry zoomie but your meme is stupid and it started out as an ironic joke on twitch.

> Water, not soda, not beer, but just WATER will cure depression, malaise and motivate you to do anything, even if it's just playing video games
I drink 3 and a half litres of water every day and I'm still depressed.

Get a reverse osmosis filter or distiller, they should get rid most of the stuff.

probably really good for you, but I think it's yucky

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Drink coke

dilate while you hydrate

True well water will rot your teeth and is not an "acquired" taste. Not that you probably have any idea what it looks like, yet alone tastes like.

This is the only 'water' I drink.

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the fuck are you even on about? You're the one bringing up Twitch you faggot

seethe hick. My pee is as clear as the pure god given water I drink.

now go back to creating more inbred spawn

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