What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?
Why did it fail?

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>sold out everywhere
that said, scalpers killed the software side of it. there is no point in developing games for hardware actual consumers don't even have

literal faggotry

I won’t pay a dime above MSRP or wait in a faggy online queue. Let me walk into a store and by one or fuck off.

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>PS5 expected to sell 160 million, outselling the ps2's record
Haters btfo, holy shit

It's a 4K UHD Blu-ray player.

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You couldn’t get one.

>no games

I expect you to not be a faggot but my forecast fell short too

>What went so wrong?
For me, the way they handled and abandoned the Vita years ago told me more than enough about Sony's MO.
Look at how hard they're back peddling on the PS5 as a future, they don't have any confidence in the system and are kneecapping it hard by porting whatever exclusives it could've had.
They've burned too many bridges and are stuck on the sinking ship known as the PS4 or more specifically, their PS+ subscribers.

>fastest selling launch of any console ever
>selling every single one they're able to manufacture
>demand literally over 100x what the demand for the ps4 was

Why are tendies so jealous? Don't they have a shitch?
What went so wrong?
Why did the shitch fail?

No games

This is a thread about the ps5, not the switch


Why are you such a fag? Why did you fail at life?

and soon Returnal will be on PC.

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More than the switch. Name a single switch "exclusive" (trick question, doesn't have any since they're all emulatable) that isn't a port or a rehash.

covid, scalpers, no availability, barely any games. xbox series s stealing all their chips. bad controller, huge size.

You let americans design the chips, but everything else you do elsewhere or you end up with an Xbox.

>If it's not exclusive it doesn't count
Retarded opinion

Thank you for listing the entire 5 stages of grief tendies go through when seething about the ps5 still doing phenomenally.

>more than the switch has