Why is this game so underrated? it suffered the same fate of that space pirate disney movie

why is this game so underrated? it suffered the same fate of that space pirate disney movie
is the space pirate setting cursed?

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rated pretty appropriately I think
good start and then 20 hours of boring filler

Isn't it still trapped on the shitbox, a console for dudebros who don't give a fuck about jarpigs?

I don't think so, it's from japan studio

too repetitive

this is a PS2 exclusive

Isnt about high school teenagers all using katanas going off to fight god.

It's on PS2 and PS4 in HD.

>t. Very poor, can’t afford two consoles, and so feminine that I get triggered by “dude bros”

I think 20-somethings using machetes to kill your mom is cooler

Every time I tried playing this game, I'd start it and go "This is pretty cool" and then just gradually lose interest as I played. Every single time. There just wasn't a good hook in the game. Nothing to make you want to keep going.

The setting and aesthetic where super cool, the gameplay was fine. The story was not. It was saturday morning cartoon villain levels of profoundity
plus iirc the game had a traumatic development story (someone can surely elaborate on this, I don't remember too much but it was something along the lines of super ambitious project that gets cut halfway through development)

It was ok. I preferred the dungeon crawler aspect of Dark Cloud 2 more. Also like its weapon crafting more.

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It has it's flaws, but is an excellent game.
Switching gun in combat in that one place is annoying. Also enemies that you need to jump attack not dying to super moves is giga-baka

9/10 game that becomes 7/10 if you finish the final dungeon, the final boss and end of the story is a massive weakpoint for the game and brings down the quality of everything.

I never beat the final boss. That fucking orb spawn attack that kills you in 1 second is retarded. Tried it 4 times as a teen, died to same attack without being able to react. Maybe I was just retarded, I should try the game again now that I am a pro gamer.
How does it run on Emulator?

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never tried it on emulator, I own the original and a fat PS3. the final boss was not hard, it was just retarded and absolutely did not require half a dozen phases that required you to play on every character in a game where reserve characters don't gain any EXP and there is no indication you will ever need them. the closure of the story is also absolute ass on top of the final boss being gatekept by that shit.

fairly smoothly, I get graphical bugs every once in a while and it crashed once for some reason. slows down on certain encounters and areas.
loads faster than my ps2 though
on the wrong emulator settings the geometry will glitch out and I can walk through walls

>why is this game so underrated?
It isn't. It's fucking dogshit.

That sucks. I hope we get proper port one day, I have PS2 only but the game will look poopy with 480p on my TV
Maybe the emulation becomes good one day

Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits was better with one of the greatest OSTs in JRPG history.

This, it just gets boring, setting is not original enough and there are no real high beats. Even dark cloud games suffer from it, but they play more like dungeon crawlers so it's not bad. Rogue galaxy extends the plot too much and makes the whole thing a slog, even though it's otherwise pretty good. It's kinda why an otherwise beautiful and soulful game like legend of dragoon likewise tends to not have much staying power. The progression can get repetitive fast. RPGs classically make up for it with charm and snappy progression (think dragon quest.)

insectron is a pain in the ass too

I don't remember the final boss, the las thing I remember is fighting the younger version of the pirate captain