How exactly did FFXIV become this boogeyman ripe for abuse? Seems like a normal game

How exactly did FFXIV become this boogeyman ripe for abuse? Seems like a normal game

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Took over the worse genre of MMOs, Themeparks.

Because XIV is actually a social and fun game. You don't need to raid to have fun

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One of the most popular MMOs right now and we all know the MMO genre is full of mentally unstable people so of course it will attract this kind of """"people""""

nice draw distance

Why is nobody talking about Lost Ark. Its way more popular than XIV even with the population dropping since release

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>It's another le wacky Big Roegadyn Male in your Alliance Raid Roulette saying wacky things dressed in meme glamour

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>why is no one talking about this shitty p2w Korean garbage
It's a mystery

Irony of Any Forumstard talking about groups of unstable people

>Its way more popular than XIV

No it's not lmao

It's fanbase is made up of trannies

Too much of a pussy to say it ingame, so you come crying here for your le upvotes

if you say anything bad in game you get banned

>say anything
>get banned
i know your tricks

be quiet, your opinion doesn't matter in this case, freak

>it's a male.Miqote tank episode
>Leave duty

post feet

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it isn't, neck yourself

There's a loud part of fanbase that's extremely annoying.
Personally, it's not what I look for in an MMO whatsoever but I'm glad some people are enjoying it.

Bunny girl feet?

So is the majority of your brain capacity. Even Any Forums and the remnants of /qa/ are not nearly as obsessed with troons as the schizos on this board are

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what dc is that? Looks familiar.

It attracts the absolute worst, bottom of the barrel, barely even human, walking breathing blemishes on the face of the earth. Literal catch-all video game for anything that falls through the cracks of any other online vidya community. Game isn't that bad either which is a shame considering they're forced to court these "people" as they make up a sizeable percentile of the playerbase. Game has veritable criticisms but when people harp on it they're mostly shitting on the fact that the things playing it can give you cancer just from interacting with them.

It attracts the 2nd life trailer trash crowd
People wanting to LIVE this life and erp

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Its got a higher playerbase tho.

No one cares about ark anymore user, same with new world, they were just fotm for streamers. The only one i think it will live somewhat is the riot one if it ever releases just because of the league fanbase

ironic coming from the one posting the reddit frog

How so

they hate us cuz they ain't us

>500k+ is a dead game

Its a free game and a mmo, thats rookie numbers

I fell for the FFXIV is fun meme, even paid the sub for 2 months, looking back on it the gameplay was dull as hell overall, even the more difficult group content
The story had a lot of quality bits but I can't be arsed to go through the the same dull mmo gameplay just to watch some cutscenes
Also most of the community are obnoxious reddit types, finding cool people you can banter with is like searching for a needle in a haystack