How do you balance a game for players of varying skill levels?

How do you balance a game for players of varying skill levels?

Attached: skill_balancing.png (904x520, 17.41K)

Don't. The weak shall be purged.

why are the 200 hour ones always trannies or zoomer faggots?

>why are arena shooters dead?

They don't have a multi-million dollar marketing budget

whats with gregorfags that theyre always the edgiest no fun faggots out there
atleast purple still has fun with it, gregorfags only wants to see number go up

because of console design and niggers getting too good at fps, remember that back when arena fps were popular everyone was shit at FPS so 1 nigger couldnt dominate the server

monhun doing it fine
there is lowrank for 1st guy so he can get a taste for a gameplay and decide if he want to play
on highrank you will see most of the content, all the monsters and make some simple bulds, 200hours of chill gameplay
and there is g-rank, where you get your cbt arch tempered turbo buffed ultra nemesis elder dragons, shit to grind and minmax for years, and all the stuff like this for my boy gregor

when you hone your skills high enough your concept of fun will shift too, things that was fun when you were a shitter will become either mundane or annoying and time-consuming

Monhun isn't competitive or a PVP game so it won't have these problems, there's only co-op.

pretty accurate pic, never really thought about it

They should do what Spyro 3 did. If you died alot the game would get easier. On the flip side if you were blitzing the game it would get harder. Otherwise if you are coasting along than the game is at a sort of average difficulty.

good enough to play the game and not quit
not good enough to hide their power level

>How do you balance a game for players of varying skill levels?
Physically impossible, and I wish devs would stop attempting this because it only sabotages games.

The only reason I ended up being gregor in souls games is because they didn't balance anything.

this is more accurate

Attached: edit.png (1080x621, 121.57K)

Easy. Sum up their matchmaking mmr, divide by the number of players and place in two times.

Missing the point

that's not gregor, that's a faggot pretending to be gregor who gets mad when the actual gregor stomps his ass

gregor does not exist
if he doest its in the single digits in the entire planet, almost all 10k+ hour fags are obnoxious as shit

What games are worth spending +200000 hours in? I need something to inmerse myself and kill time as a NEET

>gregor does not exist
cries the pretender

Try Dota 2 you'll have thousands of hours on it before you know it since matches can take up to 90 minutes.

user thats almost the amount of time a human sleeps in his entire lifetime

Balance it around the average, casual players and let YouTubers and le ebin """"""""pro players"""""""" suck shit.