Nintendo Firstperson Games

I've just bought a Switch, and my preferred kind of games are firstperson (regardless of genre).
What are some of the best firstperson Nintendo titles?

Attached: Nin.png (1920x640, 19.11K)

Combat Amphibians

That's it? That's seriously all you have??

Super hot and borderlands/bioshock
I hear the metro ports are good

Metro didn't hook me, but it performed ok

I was more interested in some non-violent, less combat focused firstperson games, it being Nintendo.
Ideally firstperson platformer games, or some other kind of original idea.

Doom 2016


I feel like you made this thread explicitly because you know there aren't any. In any case, you can wait for Metroid Prime 4 whenever that comes, or the Metroid Prime remaster if that arrives sooner. Until then stick a Joy-Con up your ass or you can sell it and get a PS4. Either way, do your research before spending 300 dollars on video game consoles that aren't to your taste.

There are none?? Come on, surely there are SOME. It's Nintendo, the the FRICK don't they have games like Splatoon in firstperson or games like Portal??

Those barely exist on ANY console user…. Is this bait?

It clearly is.

Portal 1 and 2 are coming to the switch sometime this year coincidentally.

Nice, but I want to see original titles in the same vein. More puzzle games, exploration games, adventure and platformer games.
All in firstperson. With Nintendo's charm and polish.

That shit is a lock for me, personally. I'm surprised it didn't have a set release date when it was revealed.

There are none, and you know this. It's not even a very good shitposting angle because it isn't like the market isn't saturated with first person video games.

Same. How hard could it be to port them to the switch? Here’s hoping we get more valve titles on the switch.

I wouldn't be asking if I 'knew it', retard.
Are you simple?

Xenoblade 2 and BotW at max camera zoom.

Nintendo love to sell merch and you can't do that if you cant see the characters

Apparently you are for buying a video game console without researching what video games are available on it. I can't imagine buying an Xbox and being like "Hey guys, where are all the good first-party 3D platformers?"