What games do femboys play?

What games do femboys play?

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I sleep

disapointed father tournament and useless to society brawl

Russian Roulette

it doesn't work like that

They play with cock

kill yourself


Into the fucking trash it goes.

I hate women (male) so fucking much

>grew up back when all this trans bullshit was practically nonexistent
feels extremely fucking good. imagine being a normal kid being forced to grew up between all those attention whores who made being trans their "thing". must be so bad lmao

black cocks

>ftm gay femboy
my mind cannot even begin to comprehend

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I like cute boys

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As someone who used to date a chick like this:
Stay as far the fuck away.

zoomers are 100% fucked. imagine how depressed the average 30+ year old user on here is now imagine how much worse it will be for all those freaks once they are growing into 30 year old "femboys"

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30 is the new 20. Zoomers age slower thanks to skincare and general health awareness like I'm an older femboy and I don't feel insecure or depressed

>30 is the new 20

>ftm gay femboy
So that means it isn't gay when he sucks your dick right?

Oh sorry guess I actually am insecure and depressed and looking old. I must have been imagining things when I said I wasn't

>you missed out on pure, young love

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He identifies as a male so yes it's gay if you also identity as a male

Young femboys...

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Hiding the masculine jaw and receding hairline? Cute though

>tfw I actually had the childhood-best-friend-turned-girlfriend starting 3rd grade
>she died the summer before junior year and I never adjusted from it
>now I'm just an awkward guy who is incapable of opening up to anyone in any meaningful capacity

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groomer thread

there is no fem

They play the fag card

is everyone in the UK a nonce?

americans are fucking disgusting

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That's a girl user. A seriously mentally fuck girl.

White supremacists love western civilization so much what they wanna date a troon. LMFAO

Boy legs

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>words words words
>labels labels labels
I'm so glad I'm dying alone.

boy have a penis and girls have a vagina

Wonder if they'd still call themselves an anarchist if they got murdered in the street once society collapses

Teenage femboys

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holy filter batman

Better a white tranny than a nigger

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she wouldnt want you to be sad user. need to at least put yourself out there. she is guiding you to a new love. dont think of it as replacing her. good luck user. hang in there fren.

what a fraud

kill yourself tranny

Imagine raping her straight.

You know, I like the idea of femboys but let's be completely honest, they got a considerably worse shelf life than women and can't procreate. If I was 18-22yo I'd be busting in one on the regular but now I'd rather get a woman pregnant and have kids.

WMBW is a kino pairing.

>he thinks state = society

The average "white" american cuck teen
>femboy internet whore
>school shooter
LOL americans are fucked

this country is fucking disgusting

left looks cute and can get pregnant so left


Where are the fucking mods?

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>stay away from mentally ill women
no fucking shit

>Alpha Protocol

Feminize boys
Feminize boys
Feminize boys

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I'd still take left because I just love pussy so much

>not a single feminine aspect
2D is better

So you want a woman to rape him straight or a man to rape her into being cis or what
This is confusing

For some reason there is nothing more arousing to me than a woman disguising herself as a boy, or insisting that they are. Why do I have this mighty need?

How is that even advice at this point, it has never been easier to filter out the absolute weirdos

She has FTM in her bio.