DOOM 2016


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>doom 2016 and eternal filtered /vpol/


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eternal is soulless af
gameplay sucks

Doom 3 was better and had more soul

The first level of 2016 is fantastic, I love the visuals and art direction of it. Great way to start the game off.
After playing a 100 of hours of Eternal, going back to 2016 is a nice palette cleanser, I like how moody and atmospheric it is.

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Even though Eternal fixed the difficulty problem of 2016, I find myself looking back more fondly at it than Eternal. I wonder why is that.

Op here, Eternal has even more SOUL than 2016.
average Any Forumsedditor can't keep up with the game pace, same exact shit happened with sekiro, lol

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Eternal is both soul and cringe. Overall it's a much better game than 2016, even if 16 did a few things better than it.

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the full hud in Eternal is such a mess. Why would you need to see your active runes at all times, why would you need to see your dash at all times, why would you need to see demonic meter at all times, why one ups at all times?

clean that shit up, user.


because it's much easier than eternal, therefore it's more relaxing as well.
not saying that 2016 is shit because it's easy btw, but after playing Eternal's master levels and DLC levels, 2016 is so fucking piss easy, it also has 10 enemies max at the same time

Doom Eternal is the better 'game', but 2016 is the better game
Doom 2016 is more than the sum of its parts

eternal is gay as fuck with its "ammo"
a effective melee needs "ammo"
a sword needs "ammo"
a hammer needs "ammo"

its amazing how this amazing dooom slayer guy cant even 1v1 fist fight a imp

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Why does every fucking Doom thread have to turn into a fight between two camps? Just enjoy the fucking games, the fact that Eternal isn't a copy pasted job of 2016 is a good thing, not loving every change is okay, you don't have to be annoying about it.

skill issue

Eternal is more soulful.

Super Gore Nest is peak levels of soul for a modern game.

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Morbius 2016 was better than Eternal Morbin'

For any game, really. Comparing DE to modern AAA is seal-clubbing. It will be remembered as a timeless game.

It's linear corridors into boring arenas. It's not soul at all.

As someone that only passingly played the original games and just a ccouple hours of Brutal Doom, would you recommend play 2016 or just jumping straight to Eternal? Unfortunately I have to play with controllers due to nerve damage so that may affect things.

I prefer Eternal, but definitely start with 2016.

You should be fine playing 2016 with a controller since it's how I first played and beat the game, but I can't imagine Eternal with a controller is any fun. It's definitely possible considering the game is on consoles.

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