Most brutal vidya revenge plots?

Most brutal vidya revenge plots?

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Ah... This was shocking until I saw this was China.
It all makes sense now

Fuck rat simps. You ate his turtle, you burn.

How is this bad?
Rats are vermin and it killed his turtle

So... did it come back to life 3 days later?

Based, rat had it coming

He was just going to eat the turtle anyway.

Maybe the chinese aren't so bad after all

Based chinaman, for once.

>”Chinese are outraged with how cruel the treatment of the animal was”

Well isn’t THAT the pot calling the kettle black.

>dogs and cats being slaughtered for consumption
>i sleep
>a RAT being executed for murder

Crucification is heathenry

>outrage over animal cruelty
they don't even have empathy for each other, let alone animals

Based fuck ratniggers

he did not cheesed death this time

Honestly if I caught something killing my pets I woukd probably do the same thing

He just got mad the rat ate his lunch.

How can one man be so based? Rip turtle must have been a good boy
Although showing it to the public is retarded

>By Mailonline Reporter
Bruh. I can absolutely guaranteed you that all the anger were memes from their imageboards.

lol this. dont ever mess with a man's food

Attached: boomer jr.gif (229x332, 1.73M)

>caring about animals
Good one.

Rats eat turtles....? What

>individual infringes upon your rights as a sovereign citizen
>violates the NAP by molesting your property (turtle/emergency food)
>having violated the NAP, you exact recompense in the form of bodily harm; in violating the NAP their life is forfeit
the invisible hand at work, I see no issue here

There is a leap of violence between an animal killing another because it's a natural thing and you torturing it for behaving like a normal animal

theyre just outraged he's wasting their food

Wish I did this to the cat that killed my rabbit.

The Buffalo shooter tortured and killed a cat for attacking his cat, so what you're saying checks out.


Rat Jesus died for our sins

Sucks, still gonna do it tho

I'd be pretty angry too if my turtle was eaten by some rat before me.
I don't think I'd crucify it, but I'd still try to kill it I think.

>dogs and cats being slaughtered for consumption
Why should dogs and cats get special treatment? They're animal like all others.

Rats would carry you to the sewer and feast on your bones if they were able.

rat jesus vs. the Antchrist.
who wins?

why are the romans like this ?

Rats will literally eat anything.

Animals are getting too uppity. We need to teach them fear of humans again.

this tbqh

Because they're not like the others, you retarded ape. Fuck off with your cringe PETA rhetoric.

Hope someone else tortures you for days and rapes you for your subhuman behaviour :)

this KILLS the rat

I wouldnt say its "bad" that she killed it, but crucifying it and putting it on display is a bit psychotic.
