Is this fucking game actually worth playing...

Is this fucking game actually worth playing? I'm betting it isn't but these constant Raid Shadow Legends ads are starting to get to me and making me want to try it.

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it's a cringekino filtered. real high iq play it and low iq lplay it. midwit need not apply

Speak english or die.

Attached: Rat3 - Gun.jpg (500x471, 80.59K)

no, it's extremely shit, just advertised aggressively by the Israeli company that makes it

>these constant Raid Shadow Legends ads are starting to get to me
Weird. All I get nowadays is Dislyte ads, which I'm also never gonna play. I think Jontron was the last person I saw shill for Raid in months.

Thank you user. I almost consented to offering my time to to this game.

The only thing the game does well is predatory gameplay that gets you addicted.

I mean the game is literally just "automatic fighting" you barely even actually play it.

I watch a lot of minecraft[/spoiler ]videos so I think thats why I see them alot.

nah its one of the worst gacha available. its actually incredible how much marketing money they spent and how little work was done on the actual game. it's incredibly dated, like think back to the earliest gacha mobage and Raid is worse.

I played it for a couple months and had fun, 100% F2P. The combat is shit 99.9% of the time because your real goal is to make something where you can auto-battle to win. If you can't win via auto battle, then most of the time you can't win, period. In the odd cases where you can't win on auto, but can win manually, the combat is... fine. It's your standard 3 dudes in a row type stuff, but with maybe a bit more depth than a typical JRPG.

That being said, the "real" game is the macro gameplay of building your team and planning how you spend your resources in the long- and mid-term. I was also able to get pretty high ranked in the PvP, despite only playing a couple months and 100% free. Might not be the case anymore though, the game was only like a year old when I did this.

It's also mega grindy, as you might expect, so don't play it if you don't like grinding endlessly.

Any game that's being advertised needed to pay for that advertisement. Which means that ad is being financed by the people playing the game. In other words any game you see an ad for is literally not worth playing. Ever.

I didn't touch it at first based on principle because the ads were so annoying. Turns out it's just western gacha shit with isreal behind it.

Wait, people actually see ads in 2022?

Just the ones where the youtubers themselves shill the product. And even then it's easy to skim past.

There's userscripts to automatically skip them too. This cat & mouse game has no end.

>There's userscripts to automatically skip them too.
How? That seems really impractical to make something that bypasses personalized messages of "hey check this game out"

Okay, how? Like you fear missing out on a nanosecond of quality content because it's too aggressive or something?

It's collectively curated by everybody that uses the userscript. Users can mark when an advertising section of a video takes place and other users will be able to automatically skip that section of the video in the future. They're usually ham fisted and obvious to spot just by looking at the seek thumbnail anyway, but if you find yourself manually doing this often then something like I describe could save you some time.

Sponsorblock my nigger

The company that owns Raid is literally based out of Isreal. Could not be more obvious that it’s a kike cash grab

I'd play Awaken Chaos Era, Epic 7, Dislyte, or Exos Heroes before Raid if you want a turn based gacha. Because that's what it is.

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>open thread hoping for pics of the orc girl from the commercials
>no pics
>leave thread