How to get over social anxiety when playing vrchat?

How to get over social anxiety when playing vrchat?

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remember that your own reputation can't be destroyed, only your character's

just remember that everyone else playing is even more of a socially inept degenerate weirdo

I used to be that way man. It's a symptom of being too hard on yourself, and being lonely. Stop being so hard on yourself, most people there are just looking for a friend.

see yourself through others' eyes
see everyone as your family
all is one

If somebody makes fun of you remember they are only hurting your virtual feelings

Just embrace the degeneracy and let go. Last week I engaged with ERP with a wolf femboy, I came 5 times in that session with a dildo up my butt. I dont give a fuck.

I don't use it, but it has private worlds so find one with other losers in it instead of the memers. I don't know if that's difficult or not, but good luck.

Take copious amounts of mushrooms

Play on mute

I think there was a point I'd have enjoyed something like that but I've been hurt by guys enough times in the past year that I just don't have that sort of drive anymore. I'm fucking broken.

just be a mute and sit in a corner
eventually some extrovert will come up to you and claim you as theirs

Bait? Why are you playing VR Chat if you're socially anxious? And for what it's worth the only times I played a few years back every room was filled with weebs with loli avatars and voice modifiers so just remember the are more cringe than you will ever be.

>Why are you playing VR Chat if you're socially anxious?
Because he wants to not be?

>Stop being so hard on yourself
It's not possible to rewire someone's brain like this. If they're an evidence based thinker, they need to be shown that they have worth by others who value them.
If the evidence shows the opposite. They can never believe anything else until their reality reflects that.

damn man, this hits home for me. I've been hurt and burned many times too. Seems like everyone in the world is an asshole waiting to fucking rip guys like us apart and leave us broken in the mud. Now I'm just bitter and angry and cynical all the time

As a massive extrovert ironcally I struggled with talking with people cause it just felt different .
Then I realized most people were awkward weeaboos that either keep to themselves or just people chilling and having a good time.
Put on a avatar beyond the default and try and talk. You're not gonna get along with everyone don't go talking with the cuddlers or something.. find a game room. Uno is stupid fun. Even if you're a mute people like myself like mutes and love paling with them. Even got a couple to open up.

Gl user you can do it.

You're litterlly hiding behind an avatar...

Here's a tip that relates to all social situations, not just online shit: Typically when talking to strangers for the first time, most people instinctively think "I hope they like me". If you reverse that thought and think "I hope I like them", suddenly you are no longer in vulnerable position. They are there to impress you, not the other way around. This really does work.

I get that. For a long time I was like that. But even with my family telling me I'm not useless trash I couldn't believe it. I sought validation from the wrong people. When my online friend of several years revealed to me he'd been kinda just pretending to be my friend cause I bought him things I lost it. I realized that I was looking in the wrong places.

I'm not gonna say some dumb shit like "pull yourself up by your boot strings" but you CAN brute force change yourself. It's painful, hard and time consuming but it's not impossible. I literally got into psychology because of this shit. All I want to do is someday help teens and young adults going through this shit. People are so fucking cruel.

>see yourself through others' eyes

Why do you want me to hate myself more?

Why do you hate yourself?

After reading this I do feel somewhat empowered but I'm not all the way there yet. Can you keep going?

Fair enough I guess. I'm sure there are enough adjusted folk despite what memes and shitposts would have you believe here but I still wouldn't be asking advice from Any Forums because "muh I'm anonymoose and sincerity is gay bro."

When do we get to be happy again? A bit of joy comes my way every now and then. But it's nothing like the bliss I had with them. And it's gone.

I'll try to keep that in mind. But god damn my self esteem is so bad. I feel like everyone is too good for me.

others merely reflect what you assume about yourself
self love is the secret behind "confidence"
so see yourself as you desire to be seen

>But it's nothing like the bliss I had with them. And it's gone.
This is what hurts the most. To me it was so special and magical, important even. To them it was just another day. I don't know man. I don't know if we'll get to be happy.

There was a time that i was not true to the convictions I laid down years ago. I am sensitive. I am weak. I am slow.

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The people that convinced me to steer away from them aren't even around anymore. They convinced me to give up and didn't even bother to stick around to replace what I'd lost.

Haha that’s where I am right now
I’m 29 so I think it’s too late, I’ve even had people directly tell me I’m unattractive

As the grand trophy in your nothing life
You try desperately to keep it
Not to protect it, but to hoard it
To keep it away from the other wolves
And jackals circling your territory
And you realize, all too soon, that you're not good enough
That maybe there was a jerkoff called Darwin after all
And that you never acknowledged his existence
Because you knew deep inside that you were really
What you feared you were
Weak, and passive, and ultimately broken
By the ones who were made the fittest
And then through your weaknesses
You built up a poison
That, poisoned others around you...
That you love...
And the only true justice
Was to let those dominant jackals feed on you
Survive off you
Numb, some call it.
Now, me and Jesus, we like to FEEL pain.

>they need to be shown that they have worth by others who value them

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I think everyone is a slave to their past selves in a way. As a kid, I promised myself I would never change. When I got older and changed, I always remembered that silly promise and till this day I feel guilt for betraying myself. I'm sure your convictions were a lot more serious than a mere promise. But what can you do? Time is the only currency you can't refund.

The past, ruminating. It does nothing for you. You can only move forward and stick to those convictions best you can now. And if you fall off the path get back on it. I struggled with several addictions in my life, I know how hard it can be. I don't know what you betrayed but you can always move toward doing right by yourself.