Resident Evil

Are RE5 and 6 worth playing by myself in the year of our lord 2022?
I'm a big fan of the classic REs and I don't play online games. I also don't mind dumb bots.
Are the campaigns at least fun to play through?

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ugly cow

5 is worth playing with a friend. 6 is not worth playing.

For purely gameplay reasons, I say yes. The only issue is that the item mechanics in 5 are some of the absolute worst and the fact your ARMOR ITSELF takes up an armor slot is the perfect representation of my issues. It outright necessitates playing with a friend. RE6 on the other hand mostly fixed this issue. Unfortunately you have an immortal teammate but it's better than the alternative.

Only good part about 6 was Mercs.

Get that fucking ugly woman out of here. Holy shit OP, are you trying to give everyone a erectile dysfunction?

5 is worth it for campy Chris and Wesker moments.

6 is a game I'll never return to, it's honestly forgettable.

Re 6 is still a joke of a game, pacing is all over the place. Re 5 is okay? But is plauged by piss poor AI and whats her name blowing herself up on propane tanks

> erectile dysfunction
lol.. that's a new one.

but it is the NEW jill you're talking about. she could give anyone ED desu.

Does she have a hole in her booba?

6 is my favorite and it has juicy Sherry butt moments.

stop being a faggot, you posted the picture.

I played them both solo recently and enjoyed them both. The AI is really good in both games

Words cannot decribe how much I want to rub my cock between her succulent soles. Fuck you for posting this OP. I hope you die.


Is this cropped?

Re 5 and 6 were the 'action era' of the franchise. it became a boring video game movie and less about fear or survival - just shoot everything until the next cut scene plays.
> OP
this is everything wrong with modern RE remake games, they fuck up so badly they spend more money hiring idiots on hentai foundry to do porn for the character than actually fixing the game. that character is now unsalvageable. maybe she should have died in re 5 as originally intended.

stop same fagging. you're the only one here posting about this shit with positivity.

we're all gonna die one day, feetfag-kun

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low barrier of entry

sorry, no one is fapping to the new lighting rod of the franchise. shes a man now you know

tfw no thicc NTRmommy jill gf