Name a flaw, Any Forums

Name a flaw, Any Forums
You just can't

Attached: XCOM2_Set_Up_Assets_2560x1440_2560x1440-24cabf9f3c4eedd602a340a4658b2278.jpg (2560x1440, 1.97M)

they made the chryssalids less sexy.

It's buggy even today, and the stealth system could have been fleshed out more. Other than that, I love it.

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What was the point of these things? I was expecting something like EXALT, a new faction to fight against with their own mechanics and questline

Instead it's like the devs saw the walkind dead and decided it'd be super epic to have hordes of zombies in the game. They're not threatening even in swarms and just make missions longer/tedious

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idk, never played it but I own it

>timed missions

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I... I can't... I kneel

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>filtered by timers
never had a mission run out of time before

yeah, they were clearly unfinished (like most of wotc, actually)
at these there are mods to make lost missions more interesting

I actually like them

It's turn based.

>most of wotc is unfinished

Weren't they severely toned down in WOTC? I literally took my sweet ass time completely every mission and never failed.

it's too stressful for me to play

enemy design

Attached: XCOM(EU)_ThinMen_inflitrators.jpg (889x500, 187.04K)

some retarded fag will disagree because snakes but the designs, the art style in general was done better in EW. and i don't enjoy playing EW

No good anime mods.

turn-timed objectives so I can't turtle and overwatch the entire map indefinitely.

It's not TFTD.

At least EU/EW have a bunch of different alien types with strengths and weaknesses

You barely even see aliens in Xcom2, you just kill humans in armor and MECs most of the time. Even the few aliens that remained are almost all humanoid. There are no flying units either

the hero classes in the DLC were way to powerful
the enemies were shit compared to EW

I believe that the point of the lost wasn't really about the lost, as you point out they are never really that dangerous nor they bring enough variety to create a different challenge.

However, later down the game, when they get combined with the chosen and advent squad is where I see what was the idea; to bring another dilemma to the table because any explosive that you use will attract more of them it bring backs the disadvantage of using explosives in combat since dealing with them do consume a lot of ammo and do create movement penalties if you fail.

The problem is that the situations in which their intended effect becomes apparent are not that common because in XCOM you focus on always trying to win engagements in 1-2 turns and if using explosives is penalized you will avoid using them anyway. And without that, they become only that, an annoyance.

Have in mind that the idea of the xcom2 dev was to create situations in which the player had to make difficult choices and take risks, and since people did not like timers they probably tried to do that with the lost but creating emergent narratives over gameplay is really really hard as you require that all the elements interact at least adequately at the same time by themselves.

Cringe writing.
I personally find a lot of the armor and weapon designs ugly, but there are mods for that.
Same for the 2K launcher, it's easy to bypass.
I think that's it, the game is pretty good, perhaps even great.

>Cringe writing.
this is the staple of most if not all xcom games
Did not had any, although did not play at launch tho
>I personally find a lot of the armor and weapon designs ugly,
I would rather say that the problem is that there is not enough variety beyond tier 1.
>I think that's it, the game is pretty good, perhaps even great.
With mods gets quite there.

Forgot image

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>timed missions
>psionic class is overpowered and you can get it within 2-3 months
>grenadiers are overpowered early game and there is zero real downside to spamming grenades
>snipers are overpowered late game
>expansion is bigger than the base game because they stopped bothering doing shit with the base game including qol updates, Firaxis syndrome, it's not that WOTC is great but the base game is so bad that WOTC is an improvement (possible resistance order to freeze mission timers until exiting concealment, resistance hero unit in Gatecrasher instead of just rookies etc)
>biggest difficulty spike is early game, after which the game is a breeze if you play your cards right
Generally they haven't fixed any problems with Enemy Unknown.

wasted potential, they're pretty much just a minigame where you get one guy on a building and pick them all off one by one.
if they were an actual threat at any point, and you could actually get use out of the ultrasonic emitters rather than one-shotting the entire enemy pod and then mopping up the lost, they could be good.
but they're not.


> immune to status effects
> doesn't trigger overwatch
> gets to move after each player action turn
> bullshit RNG strat layer buffs
