Is it the shortest soulslike?

Is it the shortest soulslike?

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No, Sekiro is.

Perhaps, but it's the one I played the most.

Demon Souls is actually the shortest one

Shortest with most replayability* therefore the best

I don't know but it's still my favorite after all these years. Recently made a new character and I'm still just as enchanted as I was when I first played. It's just a fantastic game all around.

It's got damn near infinite content through Chalice Dungeons. Can't believe they didn't include something similar in Elden Ring.

DeS is shorter.

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If you do all the chalice dungeons it feels a lot longer. Also I hate this fucker like you wouldn't believe

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You have to go through 10 - 11 points to complete Bloodborne, in DeS you have to go through 18 - 19 points to complete it

It's probably a little shorter than DeS if you're just trying to reach the ending just because there's so much side content.

Not every point is the same length + BB has optional shit and the DLC.

Many points in Demon's Souls are super short. 2-3, 3-3, 4-3, 5-3, and Below Nexus are literally a very short walk and the boss arena.

>Mystery Niggas
>One Reborn

Demon's Souls
>Almost every area is longer than any area in Bloodborne and obviously every area has a boss.

it's the only game in the series where i thought "that's it?" when i got to the final boss

Do you speedrun every playthrough and skip all the optional content?

No pretty sure DS3 is shorter.
You can easily finish DS3 in one day

>"that's it?" when i got to the final boss

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For me its the Undead Giant with the flailing hook and club


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if you just want to complete it, Bloodborne it's the fastest. Demon's Souls has almost no side content, you have to beat everything to reach the end

Demons souls and sekiro are probably a bit shorter