Look at how they murdered this fucking series

This looks fucking awful
The entire allure of the souls series was the challenge of being alone in the world
This looks like fucking Mario Party or some Korean MMO
Why do normalfags ruin everything pure

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>The entire allure of the souls series was the challenge of being alone in the world
You could summon other players for every single souls game you retard.

There are thousands of actually single player RPGs out there and you pick the ONE franchise where one of the main defining features of the franchise is cooperative online play and then you pretend that the series is about playing alone. How do you even become that stupid, OP?

Good thing Elden Ring isn't a Dark Souls game, but instead is Elden Ring

>why arent they just making the same game over and over again!

just shut the fuck up

Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 didnt have password summoning. The entire co op system was designed with singleplayer in mind.
You gave up your humanity or risked being in Human form to receive help from a random player in clearing difficult areas, in exchange for the risk that another player would come invade you for your souls / humanity

Now its all fucking ruined because normies want to play this game like its golf with your friends

its fun

Less people to invade now, invaderfag. tick tock

Demon Souls / Dark Souls 1 / Dark Souls 2 / Dark Souls 3 - Have to defeat a boss or an Invader to earn a rare humanity / human effigy item and in exchange I can use this to receive help in difficult areas

Elden Ring - I can pick fucking flowers for a minute and summon my level 713 friend to carry me through the game with his anime katana

Holy fucking shit grow up

>The entire allure
Its big weapons and killing bosses retard

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No, its not. If it was youd be playing Final Fantasy or Monster hunter instead.

This is a mod you fucking retard

Lmao, why are you so assblasted, OP? Who takes time out of their life to seethe at how others are playing bideo games.
Are you perhaps a console manbaby? Usually, they're the ones crying about "pcmustards ruining games and artistic intent with mods.

aww are people having fun without you user?

You've definitely summoned some angry motherfuckers here.

Is this place Reddit? What happened to actual video game discussion? This mod destroys the immersion and goes against the fundamental design philosophy of every game in this series, and all you guys can say is cope and seethe?

Its a mod. You use it or you dont. The game hasnt changed. Well except pvp dying but it already was.

>and all you guys can say is cope and seethe?
And I'm saying you're seething at an optional mod like a retard. Do you also seethe at what color of wallaper your neighbor just put up?
I'm pretty sure this is bait.

Elden Rings steam highest concurrent player count was 950k. DS3 was 130k. DS2 was 80k.
The vast majority of people playing Elden Ring have NEVER played any other souls game.

Right now this mod has just over 30k downloads on Nexus. Elden rings current player count is fluctuating between 60-90k active players. Its not insignificant. a very large minority of the people playing Elden Ring right now are using this mod.

You have to be retarded if you dont think this series is going to become even more casualized in Elden Ring 2 or whatever other game comes out next. The series has gone mainstream, and will cater to a mainstream audience.

Mate I played the game to completion as the intended experience and then some, I'm ready for the optional goofball mods that will be fun with my friends.

>Now its all fucking ruined because normies want to play this game like its golf with your friends
user why do you care so much about how other people are playing the game? If you want to play the game solo then do that. Log off of reddit and you wont even know what they're doing.

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God why the fuck is everything DOOM to you faggots? Why are you so angry that a small minority is using this mod? Do you seriously think the devs would even care? Are you literally autistic?

cringe + maidenless

Theres no discussion to be had. You contradict yourself in the first fucking post and then you defend your retarded garbage with the same contradiction.
>The entire allure of the souls series was the challenge of being alone in the world
That was never true and it doesn't matter because this isn't an entry into the souls series.
>The entire co op system was designed with singleplayer in mind.
What kind of fucking retard would write this and think "yea, this is a logically sound sentence".
Oh, and by the way, your garbage after the quote doesn't rationalize it either. You've created a false idea of the game in your head and now you're crying when people aren't playing the game you think it should be played.

Because this game was clearly casualized to appeal to a wider audience. In DeS and DS1, no two weapons were the same. Can you tell me the difference between:
>Bastard Sword
>Iron Greatsword
>Lordsworns Greatsword
>Gargoyles Greatsword

They are all the same weapon with different stat scaling. None of the moveset matters, because youre supposed to be using the cool anime flashy L2 attack anyways. Its not just weapons, bosses have become more unfair, less soulful, and copy pasted everywhere. Youll never be able to make the Taurus Demon fall off the bridge, cut Seathes tail, fight the Capra demon in a small room with 2 dogs, etc. The soul has been taken out of this game.

Imagine tripping over your own nostalgia this hard.
Soulsfags are insufferable.

>>The entire allure of the souls series was the challenge of being alone in the world
That was half the allure. Tell me what you think the allure is then.

>this isn't an entry into the souls series.
Except the combat is almost identical to DS3, 60% of the content is either reused or cut content from DS3, multiple enemies (including skeletons) have their animations taken STRAIGHT from DS1, etc.

>What kind of fucking retard would write this and think "yea, this is a logically sound sentence".
Yes, even the co op was designed around singleplayer. There is a reason why you cant invade with your friends, why you get sent back after every boss fight, why you cant go to a different area with your friend, and why you cant summon your max level friend to help you through the game in DeS and DS1.

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>no two weapons were the same
The longsword and the sunlight straight sword had identical movesets and were only differentiated by some slight stats and appearance

Man you are a faggot. You're getting angry that people enjoy things differently then you. this just feels sad user. You're also using unquantifiable terms such as "soul". "soul" is just something that happens to resonate with YOU personally and doesn't effect MY views of the game, so it's pointless to use as a metric


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>Cant get margit to fall off the bridge
>Cant get maliketh to fall off the arena
>You could get fire giant to fall off cliffs, but they patched that
Tell me how the thought behind the game hasnt objectively gone down? In previous games, you were encouraged to think and find ways to kill enemies. Now you see them, run up to them, and press your L2 anime attack of choice. If its a boss, you summon your spirit (easy mode) to help you press your L2 anime attack even more.