What is FromSofts hardest boss fight? What about most enjoyable

What is FromSofts hardest boss fight? What about most enjoyable

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Hardest: Inner Owl
most enjoyable: Ludwig

hardest: artorias
funnest: artorias

Attached: artorias_header_full.jpg (1920x1080, 193.87K)

Hardest is definitely Melania without summons by a longshot. Funniest is half the shit in BB and Sekiro.

Melania isn't hard at all. Everything she does is extremely easy to dodge except the fowl dance which doesn't take long to learn. Only reason people say she is hard is because they are used to just tanking bosses and taking damage because they can just chug flasks instead of learning to dodge

>hardest: artorias

Hardest: Malenia(in wrong way, not really enjoyable)
Most enjoyable: Inner Owl, literally creamed my pants during that fight

Artorias is easy. I went in one handing a greatsword to fight mano a mano and it worked easily.

Maliketh would be harder without Malenia's healing on hit mechanic

Attached: file.png (768x426, 501.64K)

Hardest: The Camera.

>Everything she does is extremely easy to dodge except the fowl dance which doesn't take long to learn.
You're describing every boss in Souls, except basically none of them have anything like waterfowl.
>Only reason people say she is hard is because they are used to just tanking bosses and taking damage because they can just chug flasks instead of learning to dodge
This is a stupid claim because BB chalice dungeons are full of one-shots at the FRC level, so you literally have to learn the dodges. They're not nearly as relentless as Malenia despite the hunter being much more agile than the tarnished, they don't heal, and they don't cancel hit-stun when they feel like it.

>What is FromSofts hardest boss fight?
Matthias in AC2. Good loadout, an actually good AI, and is hyper aggressive.

Attached: Matthias.gif (947x666, 168.08K)

>Only reason people say she is hard is because they are used to just tanking bosses and taking damage because they can just chug flasks instead of learning to dodge
What, they think they have DS1 poise?

The easiest souls game and an easy boss.

Malenia doesn't cancel hit-stun

Should I reinstall Sekiro just to do the boss rush stuff? How different are the 'Inner' versions compared to just doing charmless/bell demon on high NG+?

She certainly does.

bed of chaos
owl father

Elden Ring gives you a generous amount of flasks. I hardly ever ran out even with the hardest bosses. The poise isn't great but why would you need it when you have a billion flasks

Yes she does, you just don't have the keen eye for something that detailed.

Not him but Inner bosses have moves the originals don't. Genichiro has this spinning move called Sakura Dance and redirects lighting once if you reflect it back.

I'll have to check it out, then. I really loved a lot of the boss fights, and Sword Saint is a pretty good candidate for both hardest and most fun FROM boss for me.