>Big Bad of FFXIV turns out to be a depressed bird loli

Bravo, Fujo, Bravo.

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>A wrtier who's only writing credit is fucking gay fanfiction turns out to be a hack

I, for one, am shocked.

turns out she was an ill bird

>Twitter tries to cancel existence
>Stopped by two autists who summon seven more autists.

The big bad was the people whose shit we've been cleaning up since 1.0. Bird Loli happened to be the most powerful toy they created and tossed into the universe for kicks and chuckles.

and hermes was sloppy

would you really classify her as a loli though?
age is no concept to her obviously

I want someone to do an animation where she's talking with WoL and he says something dumb and she just stares at him before flapping her head wings and flying away.

>B-but she's a 1012 year old dragon

She's also a fictional nonexistent thing of computer code and pixels.

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the worst writing in anything ever.

It's about social media and absorbing far more negativity than is healthy. Your post for instance is very negative.

If that's what you think you're incredibly sheltered.

>here's this completely unknown matter to everyone that I don't really even know much about myself but managed to create an army of emotional bird loli's out of, it just happens to have the power to snuff out all life
That alone should have been a huge red flag, I stopped caring about the story as soon as I got to that part.

>gay fanfiction
can't find anything on her like that, please tell me it's true so i can have more reasons to mock this game

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>ff14 was saved by a fujo

Chad frog

I have a irrational hatred for Anya (same Japanese VA as Meteion) because of what Meteion did.

It's just the fujobait characters she writes. But that's anime in general, and ffxiv is anime.

>buy 3 maps for 30k each
>solo them as BLU
>get to the final treasure room on one of them, which gives you almost 150k in gil alone, not even counting what all the treasure drops sell for
>also get to gather one free map a day
How do people be poor in this game?

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>we strive to keep the win rates for each job at 50% in matches.

Welp, there you go the Yoshi Piss admitted that he purposely cucks people from getting to Crystal and wins.