Elden Ring Lore

Ding Dong the Goldfish's Dead edition

Post Lore

Attached: 1653706761305.png (1173x748, 1.03M)

schizo time

>Harpoon with a tip made from a sharpened meteorite shard.
>Wielded by the claymen who infest dynastic remains.
claymen made weapons using meteorite shards, and these are their only physical weapons

>The warped remains of priests who searched for revelation in service of the ancient dynasty, they employ two sorceries that produce smaller and larger bubbles.
>Sorcery of the claymen who served as priests in the ancient dynasty.
the claymen were priests, meaning the ancient dynasty worshiped something

>Oracle Bubbles
>Great Oracular Bubble
>The claymen search for lost oracles within their bubbles.
they seem to have a relationship with oracles and divination.

>Astrologer Hood
>Worn by those who look to the cosmos above.
>They read fate in the stars, and are said to be heirs of the glintstone sorcerers.
>Astrology tool used by members of the Carian royal family. During the age of the Erdtree, Carian astrology withered on the vine. The fate once writ in the night skies had been fettered by the Golden Order.
astrologers could read the fate in the stars, in other words, read the stars to perform divination.

great oracular bubble has a "starfield" of sorts within it, with an inner purple coloration, like a lighter version of the purple of primeval magic.

>other shit
the uhl palace ruins are infested with two malformed stars and two starcallers.

i think the uhl/uld dynasties may have worshiped the stars, meteors, or just heavens above in general. the claymen using their bubbles to search for lost oracles isnt insanity from being turned into a clay person, the names of the bubble sorceries are literal. claymen can use them to divine somehow and thus search for their lost oracles, in the same way astrologers used to be able to read fate by looking at the sky. judging by the malformed stars sitting around their ruins, they may have gotten fucked over by the stars eventually just like the nox did.

Attached: bubble sorcery.png (1844x1274, 3.66M)

They worshipped the formless mother and Mohg was trying to bring that shit back with Miquella but you're all just going to have to learn about this later

the claymen were the envoys of the fishgod dynasty

Brace of Elphael was a pre existing structure and has a bunch of Uhl shit all over it
It's literally the most detailed architecture in the game.

At this point Miquella probably didn't even make the tree
He found one half watered with someone elses blood, and just took over.

He found an empty Brace and filled it with his tree.

>Empty Brace
>Special Great Tree fertilizer
>Instructions for splitting a Great Tree into Two Trunks
>How To Mind Control book
>How To Lucid Dreaming book
>How To Take Advantage of Your Mentally Impaired Sister book
>Black Knifeprint, blank namefield
>Instructions on how to turn a demigod into the Prince of Death
He found a few things in there.

Neat stuff user.

Any screenshots of the Uhl stuff at Elphael?

Who dat

People are speculating that it's a statue of Godwyn depicted hugging the statues of Miquella and Malenia, as opposed to a statue of Marika.

Marika is shown wearing a sleeveless dress with no "cape" in all other depictions of her, and her crown thing doesn't have those leaves or flowers

Attached: statue comparison.png (1920x1080, 3.57M)

Isn't there a painting of Marika in one of the Roundtable Holds that shows her in more of a black robe?

It also looks like the statue in OP is missing the braids Marika has

Tell me more about the Godskins and the blackflame.
Are they even human? Did they only appear after the Shattering? Are they in league with the BKs?

Yup, seems so. Covers her sleeves so I suppose that's an invalid argument now. Could also possibly be used as a "cape"

Attached: marika robe.png (413x570, 341.05K)

Her hair is also down instead of braided and she's wearing the laurel crown. I take it back the statue might be of Marika after all

a shura is a form of the flame of frenzy

They're a bunch of inhuman weirdos possibly 'blessed' by the Crucible, raised by the Gloam-Eyed Queen to serve Destined Death and slay gods. They flay people to make their clothing and their blackflame once had the power to kill gods, though this power was lost when the Gloam-Eyed Queen was defeated by Maliketh and Destined Death was sealed away.
>>Are they even human?
Godskin Noble Hood:
>Nobles are the most ancient apostles who are said to have assimilated inhuman physiology. Not unlike the crucible, the Erdtree in its primordial form.
>>Did they only appear after the Shattering?
Enia Dialogue:
>[102030030] The Rune of Death goes by two names; the other is Destined Death.
>[102030040] The forbidden shadow, plucked from the Golden Order upon its creation…
Godskin Apostle Hood:
>The apostles, once said to serve Destined Death, are wielders of the god-slaying black flame. But after their defeat by Maliketh, the Black Blade, the source of their power was sealed away.
The Golden Order began after the Godskin and the Gloam-Eyed Queen were defeated and Destined Death was sealed, and the Golden Order is the main religion of the world. It waaaay predates the Shattering, was probably established at roughly the same time the Age of the Erdtree began.
>>Are they in league with the BKs?
Probably not. The Godskin may have a reason to interact with the BKs, since fragments of Destined Death is sealed within the Black Knives and the Godskin need Destined Death unbound to make their blackflame powerful again, but there really isn't any other evidence they're in league.

Besides that one incident with Iji, but I won't talk about that because the whole thing makes little sense.

get the dataminer to tell us if the model has a name or something, we need to end this debate once and for all and finally irrefutably BTFO the fishfags

They're prostesis they're not real he has a fish tail

>the Goldfish
Is that supposed to Godwyn? Looks way more like Miquella.

>Adult Miquella hugs Young Miquella and Malenia
yeah ok

So how were they getting their skin if Godwyn was the first of the demigods to die?

I know vaati is shit, what are some good lore channels?

right, didn't read the rest of the thread
they don't just skin gods. normal people are up for grabs too

Marcus before he went insane.

Marika's dynasty are not the only gods in the world. The giant's were led by their Fell God, for example.