Does it deserve the hate?

Does it deserve the hate?

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Yes but it's still fun.

peak of the N64 hardware

kind of
I won't deny the game has sovl
but sovl alone does make a game good

hate? It's a universally acclaimed successful game. Sure it has it's flaws but it's far from hated

Sin and Punishment says hi

never heard of it


If anything the hate for it in some circles is overblown. Most people have fond memories of it. The game can be pretty tedious but it's good.

no op. Sure plenty is stupid with the game (come back as this Kong to get these bananas ok!) but so much is great about it
>5 Kong's are all kind of fun to play
>the humor, you have no soul if you can't find enjoyment in it
>DK being the one to start and save everyone else this time instead of being kidnapped.

great game to beat normally
horrible game to 101%

the hate for it didn't start until e celeb faggots hating on it

>the hate for it didn't start until e celeb faggots hating on it
This. It's revisionism from internet dorks and contrarians. Anyone who grew up playing it loved it. If you go back and look at all the reviews, it was overwhelmingly positive. It won multiple awards too.

around 2010 or so it became popular online to shit on collectathons

What hate?

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if only it weren't for beaver bother

at least if you're not going for 101% you can skip the worst minigames


I found out years later the trick is to make them come in at an angle, like they're coming out of orbit, instead of straight on. It actually works.

Hate? When did that happen? Anyone I hear talk about it says it's a great game and a classic.

that's because no one you know is a youtuber