Perfect games thread

Perfect games thread

Is the dlc good?

Attached: outerwilds.jpg (297x170, 8.61K)

The core game is perfect. The DLC is only great.

later half of it is a bit retarded and the lack of tie in with the other planets hampers it but I liked it overall.
I think it would've been better if i played it when I first played the main game though

The DLC is even better

>this game is perfect guys
>minimal gameplay, all cinematic shit

every time w/ u fags

DLC is good. Rafting is fun

Honestly one of the worst games I've ever played

Reddit garbage

Attached: rw.jpg (1600x800, 228.41K)

Not quite as good as the base game but it definitely has its moments.
If you liked the base game you should definitely give it a shot.

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>minimal gameplay, all cinematic shit
why did you watch a lets play on youtube instead of actually playing the game user?

The dlc is pretty good, you may like it more or less depending on your tastes.

What are you talking about? Outer Wilds doesn't even have cutscenes, how is it "cinematic"?

>all cinematic shit
>reading and learning for yourself is cinematic

user thinks marvel shit is popular because it features Iron man reading a fucking book for 3 hours, this game is the antithesis of movie games and you reveal your utter retardation

you absolute mongoloid

is the DLC easily accessible as a standalone?

I bought it on release but haven't tried it yet - didn't know if it was interleaved and would require some significant time investment or if I could just do the standalone dlc story in a few hours

is the DLC scary?
I don't like jumpscares but I've heard the DLC has them

This game is either the best game ever or the worst game ever, there is no inbetween

>Is the dlc good
it's alright

>read stone walls
>read more stone walls
>big explosion in
this is somehow a good game

Attached: OW presentation.png (951x1037, 112.03K)

>tfw telling my friend about how much I loved this game
>tfw he has to play hitman with full story mode on
>have to tell him not to buy it because I know he would hate it even though I want to share what I love with him

>all the seething redditards
>"b...buu...but the game has like walking and le reading"
let me guess you faggots jerk off to gone home as well huh?

>full lowercase poster
>is retarded
Every time.

it truly is, i tried it on gamepass and you have to have some sort of mental illness and incredibly shit taste, or not like video games and gameplay mechanics in general
literally a gone home with a spaceship and le heckin cool moments

>every faggot who loves OW is a dime-a-dozen Better Call Saul throating normalfag

The DLC is like a entirely new "planet" to explore. You can make a beeline toward it after the intro without having to play the rest of the game. It starts off with a simple puzzle on the first planet to even locate it in the first place. Later loops you can just go straight to it. It's only directly interweaved with the games ending.

It has moments where it's meant to be spooky but I didn't think it was scary. If dark stealth sections are scary to you then yea, but the game also has a baby mode specifically for those who can't handle that shit.

I didn't even know there was a bafta for games.

>>have to tell him not to buy it because I know he would hate it even though I want to share what I love with him
go back to plebbit faggot

Walking simulator not a game

>be retarded
>play le epic spaceship game
>get confused becuase retarded
>watch ending on youtube
>don't experience the pure satisfaction of exploration and figuring out the games mysteries
>no emotional involvement in the story

Is this the redditor echo chamber bunker thread?
When will you niggers get an actual taste in video games? jesus chris....

this game had superb atmosphere but after 3 hours you've seen all there is in regards to gameplay, after that it's just a boring slog until the end.

did you experience emotion when you played gone home? same reaction as you faggots are having? literal brainlets, go shill your walking simulator somewhere else faggot, this game compared to Doom Eternal is embarrassing

you're not very smart, are you

I've honestly come to believe this game is shilled and talked about the same pretentious retarded faggots, there's no fucking way you think this game is good, if you do, please end yourself

>lowercase nigger can literally only bring up "gone home" and say "le" over and over

>did you experience emotion when you played gone home?
As someone who loved Outer Wilds, yes. The emotion was disgust.

>Perfect games thread

You describe pathologic.

>faggot is mad he's not getting his echo chamber outer worlds thread where they get to regurgitate and jerk the game off
Send an email if you want to be a janny faggot

The dlc is great, it's another couple planets worth of content that ties into the main game nicely. The only problem with it, like the main game, is that I can't play it for the first time again.

I've never played gone home

It it manages to make me feel how outer wilds did, I will seek it out
I doubt it's that good though