Do you ever get angry at competitive games?Why?Why not?

Do you ever get angry at competitive games?Why?Why not?

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I do. I have rage issues

Right,but what is the core issue , the true cause for rage?

Only 7 and ur mad? I lose games with 30 kills man retards be tardin

Same thing that scares people about airplanes, you want to exert control over your situation but it's limited and that makes you feel trapped.

But you do have control. Its called the esc key.

Decades of abuse, bullying and mom and dad beating me up daily for the most meaningless reasons. Now I explode at the minimum harm exposure

>Red, Redd n Reddit

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Me on the left

>Phone poster calling anything reddit.

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Yeah, all the time, I can't enjoy games I love because of it so I never touch ranked games and still get pissed off on casual modes, hate that, I wish I could just play.

I do because it's always entirely my fault
>I didn't play like a pussy
>I didn't use the best equipment
>I fell for the dupes
>I didn't make the right plays
>Often, I was outpicked rather than outplayed, so my skill and ability would not help me against a certain player anyway
>I saw where this game was headed in the first three minutes but I am obligated to stay for at least another thirty
>I thought this match would be "different"
>knowing the kinds of suffering I inflict upon myself playing this, I CHOSE to play this mode
Alcohol is a healthier addiction to have than competitive matchmaking.

that just pauses the game user
but quitting isn't control because if you quit because you are mad you still lose

>wins with less kills
Damn, really was ez

Well put

So that is the question then,how do i stay in control , no matter the circumstance?
While also having fun , because min maxing metaslavery for example is a good way to be in control but not fun at all
How do we harmonize control and fun?

It only happens when playing WiFi smash ultimate

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I do get angry at times. As for why, its in team based games, and I clearly am the one trying their hardest. Which I find pathetic, considering I do not consider myself that good. So its very clear I was teamed up with human shaped garbage. There's also a part where you are teamed up with random people, but your weapon is also picked randomly. So I really hate when I get the really shitty weapon, basically being handicapped, and my team acts like I am the best player by constantly expecting me to play like I have a good or decent weapon instead. Then I am more confused then angry.

itoddlers btfo

have you tried winning the game instead of kda farming?

is this true? why is that?