The sts threads lately have been nice

The sts threads lately have been nice.

Claim your cardfu

Attached: PressurePoints.png (678x874, 274.21K)

Where is she fingering?

Attached: 1519721977912.png (1000x1000, 55.03K)

I think it's the champ
she can touch my pressure points any time, though


My favorite power for sure.

Attached: Nox.png (675x871, 547.07K)

Is pressure points the worst card in the game? At least other meme attacks don’t get rekt by artifact

It's unironically fucking great damage for like 90% of the fights in the game, you just have to somewhat build around it

>you just have to somewhat build around it
That makes it not great.

Like what?

You have to build around pretty much every damage card in the game. With watcher, you can go for the big wrath turn deck, but by taking the crescendo, the wreath of flame, the ragnarok, you're building around that. Even just taking block/draw to balance out your deck and support your damage dealing cards, you're building around them

It gets exponentially stronger the more you have. If you have 3 by the end of the first chapter you're pretty much cruising at that point

you WILL pick a copy of armaments and you WILL upgrade it asap

Attached: Armaments.png (678x874, 303.5K)

Funny that the card art uses the champ considering he'd just cleanse the marks halfway into the fight.

>Claim your cardfu

Attached: CreativeAI2.png (350x465, 185.12K)


I think the biggest misconception is that it's a really hard card to make work since it relies on seeing a lot of them. In reality, there's a sort of pool of cards that work in a pressure points deck and you just need to see enough of those to make it work, which you usually do.

I'd say two pressure points is the minimum (one might be doable and more is obviously nice, but with good deck manipulation two is fine - I've beaten A20 with 2) and then shit like sanctity, inner peace, third eye, maybe set up a foresight. You just want to be cycling your deck as rapidly as possible so you can play pressure points as often as possible. All the cards I listed are common (except foresight), so you can fairly reliably put a deck like this together. Remove strikes and the like to keep it lean and then add some protects or whatever and you're chilling.

Once it's set up, pressure points does great damage. Three pressure points+ into one enemy can do 66 damage in a single turn, and its not terrible at AoE since you can spread them around and keep ticking enemies you've already marked. It's not the best card in the game but I do think it's severely underrated.

Anybody else pop in from time to time to download the latest popular mod character and re-enjoy Slay the Spire from scratch?

I just did it with that weird chinese character deck and it was surprisingly really enjoyable (it not broken as fuck sometimes).

Always nice when I can pick it up early.

Attached: block for days.png (500x380, 68.28K)

That honour must surely go to this stinker over here. Fuck off with this crap I swear to god.

Attached: Magnetism.png (678x874, 393.71K)

I don't like cards like this in general as the randomness annoys me, but colourless cards especially are generally so underwhelming. What a useless fucking card.

Not really, pressure points becomes great the moment you have more than 1 pressure points.
Silent is extremely good at cycling through her whole deck and removing artifacts (0 energy vulnerable, poison, piercing wail etc)

>pressure points

Yeah I've been having some fun with the Forsaken. It's a Dark Souls character. Unlike that game it's not exactly difficult though.

I remain of the opinion that the Hollow Knight mods are the best and most underrated mods for StS. Certainly better than that convoluted mess Downfall. If you haven't, check it out. There's a character mod, the Bug Knight, and a complete overhaul with three entirely new acts (Acts of Hallownest). Very very cool. I have never even played Hollow Knight.