I like Morgana

I like Morgana.

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Morgana should've been a girl

What would that change?

Do you wish you had a father?

cat sex

morgana a cute boy

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People wouldn't be as mean as they're female, and hurt them as much.
Also Makoto maybe wouldn't try to kill a fucking animal because it almost saw her nude.

He's pretty hot

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*unzips dick*
A cat is fine too...

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Just say "I would be able to coom to that" no reason to fool anyone here.

That animal has the hots for a human though. Seems justified.

It's pretty clear Morgana IS a girl.


Me too!

Change his mame to morgano, then we'll talk.

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Porn has rotted your brain

well done. you have identified the problem. now either post some more morganas or get the fuck out of this thread

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Don't go in Morgana's thread if you hate him so much

it even has a female name

Morgana is best when spherical