Do you understand the concept of love?

Do you understand the concept of love?

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Not really, i mean, try to defind the consept of love by yourself.

Its something to do with spray paint

I was never in love. I blame porn and the internet

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love is when my peepee becomes bigger

What is love?

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true love is too tame for me :_(

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whats going on

When I played this for the first time, I used to think he was saying UNDERSTATE UNDERSTATE
i remember getting that xbox for christmas.

my friend thought he said I LOVE STEAK

Damn all the characters is JSR had great designs

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being in love is genuinely terrible you aren't missing on anything

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Florence Nightingale said women can't love.


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Of course I do

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Baby don't hurt me

Dont hurt me

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I love 'making of' documentaries even if this short