Is this game any good?

is this game any good?

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not really, no

no content, no modding


game where instead of expanding and making the gameplay better it forces you communist propaganda that makes you sit ingame for 10 minutes at time as a black woman lectures you on being a communist when all you wanna do is break ships.

you dismantle ships while the game tells you that capitalism is bad

Eh, weird psuedo-arcade pacing to everything that tosses the appeal of a chore simulator out the window.

I haven't played this since the early days of EA, so these comments are a bit disappointing.

it sucks. the number of ships is tiny. the game used to be tolerable because there wasn't any story content, but now it's some average 2022 self-important liberal bullshit

they added nothing and doubled down on narrative nobody gave a shit about, they gave up on adding modding support because it was too much work, fucking 4 ship types in a game about breaking down ships

If you could salvage choice parts from jobs to assemble your own ship to live on/ look at it would have a purpose

Yes but chuds are buttmad because someone dare paint corporations as bad.

You’re forced to play as a tranny and there’s nothing but dialogue about HRT

Wasted potential, not worth buying unless it's more than 50% off and you're a kraut

It used to be, but then they fucked it with long ass unskippable dialogue segments where the characters just spout their personal beliefs at you with no option given to the player to even agree or disagree with them, you just have to sit there and listen, praying to God that it doesn't crash, because that means you'll have to listen to it all over again.
I could forgive them for that MAYBE if they didn't interrupt the gameplay and actually let you keep doing the ship-breaking with it playing in the background, but on top of that shit, they removed the sleek, speedy menus in favor of a shitty habitation living area that tanks your fps to near unplayable levels despite the fact that you can't even walk around in it. Every single time you start a new day you have to slowly navigate your way through a clunky, super slow and unintuitive 3D menu just to get back to the airlock to keep doing the one thing that you even bought the game to do.

its a fun game idea but terrible execution
>still 4 fucking ships
glad i didn't buy this

>Corpos bad!
>They don't give me billions of dollars for doing menial labor!

I could not give any less of a shit about what retarded drivel they're spouting, I've played worse games with stupider messages and not had a problem. It's the fact that they outright put a stop to your ability to even play the game and force you to listen to it for over 5 minutes at a time. Why can I not have that as a background conversation so that I can actually play the game?
>>They don't give me billions of dollars for doing menial labor!
The funniest thing is that they actually literally do in this game, it's not even slightly hard to get yourself out of debt.


I got it for about £15 and I had a good time with it, but I was really hoping they would add some more content instead of chatter that I have muted anyway.

It used to be a really great game that backed up its excellent gameplay with an outstanding cyberpunk atmosphere where you were played isolated, irrelevant grunt whose only contact with the outside world was a faceless guy on the radio and world for an equally faceless, uncaring corporation.

Butttt.... then the dev team decided the game needed a story and characters and systematically destroyed everything good about the atmosphere, while also introducing one of the worst written stories and set of characters I've ever seen in a game.
>Corporation now has a very talkative and unimpressive CEO that lacks any of the mystique of the original portrayal of the company.
>Introduced a completely unoriginal, dead boring storyline about bad corporations and union movements.
>The good guy characters are amazingly unlikable retards, to the point where you will want them to lose even if you're a full on commie.
>The main good guy is one of most poorly written, out of place characters I've seen in a video game and is clearly someone's self insert.
>The main bad guy is a complete cartoon and ruins the otherwise serious tone that the game tries to take with its story.

The worst part is that they force you to engage in the storyline with LONG unskippable storybreaks that now constantly interrupt the start of the game. Most games at least have the courtesy to allow you to skip their trash stories, but not these guys.
In many ways it reminds me of the whole subnautica 2 debacle where the devs turned out to have absolutely no idea that the minimalist story and atmosphere was what people liked about the original and ruined the sequel with dull, mouthy characters and a tedious story involving characters that you don't care about... except the shipbreaker guys are trashing the atmosphere of their first and only game.

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Yes, but buy it on sale.
The story's pretty bad. It's weird that some people are upset that a game where you play a corporate debt slave is pro union, though.

Maybe it was my own imagination of what it would be like that led me to be disappointed, but it feels like the tutorial segment never ends but it’s actually the whole game. I thought you would actually be on site of disasters salvaging, like the trailer suggests, but you never leave the space rig. The games atmosphere hyped up how dangerous the job is but you never go far from home at all.

The physics puzzle gameplay is not bad, but the game is very unambiguous from what I played.

It would be good if it was a VR game.