What the fucking fuck were these things supposed to be

What the fucking fuck were these things supposed to be

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Combine's Pickle Rick equivalent

Larval stage of uber alien overlords.

Jewish elites

Valve never thought about it so you shouldn't waste your time either

glados potatoes upscaled 10x and squishier

go read breengrub and find out
it's a nice piece of extraneous worldbuilding

Boss fight appearantly, they even had health and such.
I always imagined it as a telekinetic game of dodgeball with the gravity gun featuring heavily, with Gordon freeman having some telekill upgrade to his armor or something so he could fight them.

Xeno scum.


Middle management.

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Why did the combine do it bros... and why is everyone on the combine force humanoids, are there no other aliens they conquered that were actual aliens

They're biological hard drives. The Combine want to take all of Earth's resources, including its greatest minds.

>Laszlo is here somewhere.


>and why is everyone on the combine force humanoids
That's what the combine does, it combines alien races into its ranks, and uses them against themselves — if there's a create they already have that's adapted to a specific environment, what's the need of bringing another species in that might not even be effective.
The combine/Universal-Union we see in HL2 is just a very distant offshoot from the 'main' combine — which might not even know of it's existence. Think of them as a form of cosmological grey-goo.

The Combine we meet in HL2 and HL:A aren't the superpower that enslaved the Earth in the space of an afternoon. They're janitors. Brainwashed victims equipped with the bare minimum tech needed to steal any resources that didn't get destroyed when Earth popped her interdimensional cherry.

Basically, Earth's an African nation. The Combine are the DeBeers mining corporation. They fly in, build an airstrip, hire a bunch of locals as goons, then fly back to their fuckoff huge mansions to enjoy the spoils.

What. All of the vehicles that aren't get grey are aliens. The Strider, the gunship, the mortar ones you see at the end of hl2, the dog ones in episode 2.

I hope they never explain what the combine are and where they came from in any way

Who lived here?

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I did

All the Synths are partly organic. They were probably creatures that the Combine found useful and were reporpused while everything else was simply wiped out.

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>tfw all of Half Life takes place over a week

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