Games with this type of feel Any Forums?

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Why do Conservatives agree with Russia just because Liberals don't? Do they not have ideologies of their own besides opposition to current thing?

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conservatives don't agree with russia, they just don't give a shit and don't want to get involved in foreign wars since the last one was such a shitshow (that they caused)

Same reason they like Israel and Saudi Arabia so much. These countries are what they want to turn their countries into.

But how would you verify if it's from a Russian jet ?

How long has this thing been going on for?

Don’t ask questions just consume product.

Last time I checked, democrats get the jew vote and money

I'm becoming more nd more conservative and the only reason I care is because you could easily replace every instance of Russia with America and Ukraine with Iraq
>In both instances super power invades lesser country under lies of national security
>In both instances civies were killed en masse. Remember the Blackwater incident?
>But when they do it they're bad but when we do it we're good
It feels completely dishonest to me and I just don't want to hear about it at all

Go to Any Forums right now and there are literally threads supporting Russia.

Conservatives started the war in Iraq. Do you think Bush was a liberal? This makes no sense.

Both sides bow down to Israel. To me it was eye opening how every other international happening has been let run its course online but the second people criticized Israel for murdering Palestinians and taking their homes literally every single celebrity immediately and unequivocally professed their full support for Israel and any messaging against Israel was stamped out of every website and social network so fast you'd believe it never happened.

lmao vatniks

Disgusting war trophy.

Only religious people bow down to Israel on either side.

Why would you have any other reason to?

Any Forums nowadays is a fucking husk, ever since 2016 and boomers invading for that q shit it's become a shithole. the average age has to be 47 years old at this point. these faggots legitimately love israel and think that the nazis were bad.

>Any Forums is conservative

I don't care who started it, I only care that we did the exact same thing as russia and news reports were that we were the good guys but when russia does it they're evil meanies. Both instances are bad (and almost identical) so seeing any news on it annoys me. How does this make no sense?

Okay, but explain how this makes you more conservative when the conservatives on both sides started these wars. Putin is very much a conservative, as was Bush.

Me being conservative has nothing to do with the point, just that the reply was to
>Why do conservatives
So I said I was becoming MORE conservative over time to quantify the statement to fit in context to who I was replying to. Do you have actual brain damage that you don't have the reading comprehension to remember 2 posts back?

Have you asked yourself why you support a globohomo proxy war to continue the occupation of a separatist province that the Ukrainian government engaging in a civil war against for 10 years? Zelensky is a puppet and will gleefully throw every last Ukrainian into the meat grinder for no good reason. It's a war that should have never have happened and wouldn't have happened if Ukraine wasn't a proxy puppet state.

Ukranky Slavanky.

all I am hearing is "I don't want to hear about it" and "I don't care." you realize there is a middle ground between willful ignorance and swallowing propaganda right? find some not-shit news, use your brain, compare and contrast

Give one piece of evidence that a plot to spread homosexuality is fueling this war.

Yeah? Would you say that wanting to kill all Jews and trannies is a liberal idea? What would you call them?

Homo in globohomo refers to homogeneity. It's short hand for the western unipolar global hegemony. The decentralized synoptic vision as advertised by organizations like the WEF, OSF and others.

You guys really, really need a new name for that. Nobody is going to read this and think of anything other than homosexual.

what a fucking scam

I better get one of those in next months loot crate!


Attached: 220208_Ukraine-Placement-Map_v2.png (1921x1156, 223.11K)

It also stands for homosexual because it's funny. It also is an alternative name for alegria art

this. i dont give 2 shit about another slav war in the ukraine. fuck nato, fuck the eu, and fuck ukraine and russia let them solve their own problems

You're blaming Ukraine for getting invaded, rather than the country that invaded them?

>liberal and conservative are the only political theories that exist
>conservatives want to kill jews

that's the point newlfag

We don't need a reminder that Americans are stupid. As someone who received an American education I can tell you that we're like this because we spend our entire history classes talking about how great America is instead of learning about the world outside.