God was a dream of good government

God was a dream of good government

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What did me mean by this?

But it’s God that allows government at all

good governments dont exist


Governments are just monopolies of power. Any organization with a concentration of power is bound to become corrupt eventually because power attracts the corrupt

the only way to have a good government is to have good people running it, which is virtually never the case because good people don't last long in government

It was a jab at fanatic atheists who don't understand why the concept of God was and for some people still is a necessity

>the only way to have a good science is to have good people doing science, which is virtually never the case because good scientists don't last long in science
Guess it's time to throw out science then.

That religion was a tool to try and bring people to order. Not control, but order.
Humans though, turned order into control, through their vices and sins for desire of power and wealth.
And the humans achieved it. God is dead. And now we get to live in the hell we've made.

Progression of science is in no way analogous to how governments and the people in power change.

So muh peer review for science works but muh peer review for government never will? How does that work?

>destroys area 51

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God and humanity are one in the same. We are creating god by simply improving the human spirit over time.

it's almost as if nukes existed

It's true. With the legalization of baby torture and usury, all basis for governments fell. If you don't want to rob others or torture babies, laws are worthless now.

Science says you can be a woman, but both of us know that ywnbaw, so yes, fuck science

>peer review for government
Kek. Works like a trickle down economy; all the way down to the bank of satan.
>peer review for science
Hit and miss.

>Hit and miss.
Well, we're being pseudo-intellectuals here so we make the perfect the enemy of the good and therefore, same as government, even a tiny failing in science means it's all shit and we have to throw it all out and rebuild from scratch again. This is a good thing. Maybe the new "science" can explain how the African shaman can make it rain instead of just offering nothing but a racist dismissal of it being a possibility.

>we're being pseudo-intellectuals here so we make the perfect the enemy of the good
You can't use that pronoun.

if you stop pretending God doesn't exist, you can really easily avoid becoming a schizoid nihilist like this.

Are you saying people know a god exists but their just putting on an act?