Have you ever gone to a vidya convention?

Have you ever gone to a vidya convention?

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is this whole board really shut ins?

i went to an anime convention once but i regretted it

I went to pax east and I fucked a rainbow dash cosplayer. Also VGO is amazing.


weebs are painful to observe

is that actually kirby

Does QuakeCon count?

Yes I am

what is quakecon

I never went to any sort of convention in my life, I just don't know any where I live.
And besides, I'm too poor and too ugly to able to cosplay well

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I went to comic-con around the time the American Godzilla came out
got some neat prints

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I've been to a few conventions but other than the vendors selling overpriced crap there's not really much to do. Sure you can take pictures with the cosplayers or go to the conference rooms to see what's going on, but most of it is kind of uninteresting or shit you can see the highlights of online minus the 2 hours of lines. Adventurer's league games and the like might be fun but those are few and far between, basically if you're not cosplaying there's really not much to do.

did you forget the panels happening literally all day long

then cosplay as muk the pokemon or something. fucking whiner.

I like PAX, but it was really shit this year.

Yes I'm in the music video for that years con. I was in the dance competition too but got cut out of the video because my cosplay had my junk on full display and I didn't realize it until day 2.

Most of them are uninteresting, at least to me. And the popular ones are swamped. Things like the cosplay competitions are nice but 99% of the time it's some shit nobody has any real interest in or anime so people can come in and sit down after waddling at 2mph behind 6 overweight nerds for 3 hours.

>want to get an autograph from a guest
>it costs fifty fucking dollars
what the fucking nigger is this

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I went to a Blizzcon where my dreams of becoming some artist there were shut down by one of the recruitment fags. In hindsight maybe it was for the best considering the state of them now. At least the never ending free ice-cream and playing Wrath of the Lich King and Starcraft 2 before anyone else was worth it.

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