So now that Valve's actually said something

So now that Valve's actually said something,
What do you think Valve should do to fix TF2's bot issue for good?

In my opinion, I've come to the conclusion that the best way to solve the issue, Would be to add a paywall to casual itself and block out F2P's from accessing casual entirely.

Hear me out on this,
>You download the game for the first time
>The only thing you can access and play is the community server browser And MvM training
>Casual is locked off, And so are official MvM tours
>The only way to unlock Casual and MvM, Would be to buy at least $15.99 (Or $19.99 but I feel that's kinda pushing it) worth of items from the Mann Co store

Sure, F2P's will bitch.
But it would be a sacrifice that I think would do much more good than harm for the longevity of the game as a whole.
And I feel it would be a far better solution for the time being than actual moderation from Valve, Given Valve has clearly shown they have no actual interest towards working on the game itself in the past years, and probably won't want to again after this whole issue is put to rest.

What do you think is gonna happen and what do you think should be done?

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Put a recaptcha in the main menu.
Thats it.
While it wont eliminate the problem, it will significantly slow it down to make it hard for bots to gang up on a server to where nobody can vote them out

>What do you think Valve should do to fix TF2's bot issue for good?
Nothing. /thread

The fuck
explain the initial issue to us instead of assuming everyone knows what the fuck this is supposed to be about

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How about they remove all the fucking hats and skinner box mechanisms so there's no incentive to bot? Derp.

>spending money on the mann co store
thats retarded, just make the game $20 again since f2p is the ultimate cause of this issue to begin with

aimbot bots have been running rampant in official servers unchecked for almost 4 years now completely shutting down the game with only shitty band-aid fixes being added that did virtually nothing
people want a final solution to the bots instead of valve shitting out three awful cases per year like they have been doing since 2017

When you first join casual you need to complete a captcha to join the server.
You don’t need to complete one until you get kicked from a game.
If you get kicked 3 times in a row you get a 24 ban on joining matchmaking.

That’s literally all they need to do. A lot of people say remove Linux support or kill f2p but that’s what made it popular in the first place.

make vac2 and move to source 2

Is it true that the bots are Mcvicker's fault?


>after four years
I hope a meteor lands on that Kike company kek

do you think video games were ever supported for over 10 years at any point in history

how about 5? until recently, not a thing.

Why are people even using bots in such an old game? What do they gain from it? I cant imagine the market is very big if they are somehow selling things from the time played

Shut up you human trash!
Those that defend evil, die with it!

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When valve introduced the "matchmaking system" years ago it has slowly been killing the community server scene off and as a result the most efficient way to find a match is using the matchmaking. The problem here is that community servers almost always had mods (they do it for free) to ban cheaters, hackers etc... official matchmaking obviously doesn't have this. It's created a situation where almost every tf2 match has an aimbot bot (often times multiple) that just totally drstroys the game, and there's no reliable way to get rid of them even with the in-game vote-to-kick system. Valve had been totally silent on the issue for 4 years but they finally promised to address it today

>promised to address it

Oh that's reassuring

I see what you mean but I think there are more games than you realize. There are plenty of games with a decade or more of support. Although it wasn't until the last few years that most games in that list achieved it I wouldn't say it wasn't a thing. Maybe the last 20 years at most we had any games that were able to be maintained with updates consistently and it was primarily on PC for a good chunk of the beginning of that period.

>Cheeto'd hands typed this post

Move on, boomer

>I see what you mean but I think there are more games than you realize

I don't think so and have been playing online games since the mid 90s.

you shouldn't expect TF2 to be fixed because TF2 is way, way past end of life. Acting like you condemn valve for "abandoning" it is a joke. some of the best and most relevant video games of all time got about one year of support.

sure TF2 can be maintained with updates. but why would it be? that requires money, time, and effort.

people still playing it should likely move on, not wail

24/7 Arena was some of the most fun I've had in video games.

Solve a captcha before entering a match

Will I be able to join in on my friends game and pick whether or not I fight with or against him again?
What about playing with a group of 7 or more people?
Can I fucking spectate yet?

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>When valve introduced the "matchmaking system" years ago it has slowly been killing the community server scene off
I like how your problem is with bots in matchmaking and not this part. You deserve everything.

If they actually do anything meaningful, I will buy $25 of crates

Detect bot-like behavior, block IP until user writes a letter explaining situation.