Is it truly possible to maintain a pure opinion towards a video game, or any piece of media for that matter...

Is it truly possible to maintain a pure opinion towards a video game, or any piece of media for that matter? Once we become exposed to an ever growing pool of opinions towards a given product, do those opinions influence ours without us even realizing it? If you like a game or a movie or a book, and you come to find that there is a large community dedicated towards criticizing and holding it to a generally low level of product, is it simply destiny for our human minds to develop further attachment towards it as a sort of defensive mechanism? Does the same theory also apply for disliking a product and seeing a massive influx of praise towards it? Is complete and total isolation from society and it's thoughts the only possible way to have an "untainted" opinion?

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Asuka is literally me and also literally you.

I never had the problem you're describing
what I noticed is that social games are often way overrated

>Is complete and total isolation from society and it's thoughts the only possible way to have an "untainted" opinion?
Yes, this has been extensively studied. We are at all times influenced by the things around us, so much so that our supposed "free will" is debatable.

I love boobies :)

Attached: d65ftuc6ufyguk.png (1296x1076, 314.12K)

>Is complete and total isolation from society and it's thoughts the only possible way to have an "untainted" opinion?

Pretty much. We're all products of our environment, and that includes how being exposed to the views of others influences our own thinking.

I wish I was Asuka...
You make cute drawings

anyway it's time to draw more asuka and pals

You are not Asuka

what the fuck is even a pure opinion what does that even mean ? one you came out by 100% by your self ? if so then yes this abstract thought in your head doesn't become "unpure" like food that was dropped on the dirt just because you saw some review online

why does Asuka think so hard in the showet



Attached: zesrdtfyvygu.png (1260x1348, 405.89K)

please draw her having fun on a roller coaster.

weird fetish

Not everything is sexual, you fucking dunce. I mean, this is, but you still shouldn't assume.

Attached: asuka 26.png (987x1694, 436.01K)

roller coasters are not sexual, not everything fun has to be sexual.

is she on a rollercoaster?