How did Sora and the """""""" good guys""""""" get away with ruining his life?

How did Sora and the """""""" good guys""""""" get away with ruining his life?

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fuck him



Spoilers: His life was screwed the minute he was born, Xemnas immediately smuggled him (a child) into working for his organization (for free) like 5 minutes after he was born, then after 358 went down, he was put into DiZ's fake Twilight Town but even then that wasn't a real 'life' because the purpose was to complete Sora and keep him safe from the Organization. Every step of his unusually cruel life has been other people using him for their own gain. He never had a life to speak of.

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He talked to HPO in 358/2 Days during the missions, that's as close as he could get to have normal interactions with other people.


Nobody's aren't people



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Ever find it weird how every entity that spawned from Sora (Roxas, Xion, Namine even) are all extremely fuckable?
Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is a pattern. What's Nomura's endgame with this?

Sora saved him though.

So according to KH2, removing Roxas (and Xion) from himself actually weakens Sora, hence why DiZ went through the trouble of fusing them back together. So why wasn't Sora weakened at the end of KH3? His level should have been reduced to like a third.

diz is probally one of the most intresting characters in kh just cause hes probally one of the bigest pieces of shit in the series yet he is actually doing stuff for the greater good

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In KH2, Xion was leeching Sora's memories out through Roxas. When Roxas defeated Xion and absorbed her, those memories remained stuck inside him. Without Roxas and Xion, Sora wouldn't ever wake up at all.

In DDD Sora came to the conclusion that Xemnas and Xigbar are lying sacks of shit and Nobodies will grow their own hearts over time to replace the ones they lost. Come KH3, Sora decided to evict the freeloaders in his heart, and sought to give Roxas', Namine's, and Xion's hearts their own bodies again, and send Ven's back as well. There's no memory leeching this time, so with the power of the perfected Replicas and the Power of Waking it was possible.

I thought the only reason any of them could use multiple Keyblades was because they had multiple hearts inside them. Why do both Roxas and Sora retain this ability after everyone was separated?

That's not been answered. It might simply be that one of the keyblades is a replica that act the exact same as a normal one.

I love Roxas but he should have stayed "dead"

uhh uhhh
Hearts and light something something

The power to wield a Keyblade is practically an infection. Once it takes root into your heart, it has to progress and grow. And once you become worthy in both body and mind, you are able to draw your gestated Keyblade out into the physical world. Some people use other weapons as mediums to channel their Keyblades, like Riku's Soul Eater and Lea's chakrams.

For Sora, the ability began to grow once he effectively stole Riku's first Keyblade, as Sora was already worthy by that point. Eventually the power cemented itself in Sora's heart, and the Kingdom Key was permanently his. Roxas, who inherited Sora's body, also inherited this power, and his Keyblade. And as Roxas grew his own heart, the power infected his heart too. As for why they can dual wield after being separated, that's simply a Formchange. Sora can dual wield in KH3 using a Formchange as well, splitting one Keyblade into two. Formchanges are seen in BBS all the time, it seems to be a versatile way to use your Keyblade in a formal manner.

So Sora can use four Keyblades at once now, right?

I’m glad that no one agrees with you

Sora didn't do shit. If anything he helped him get his "life" back

He used 3 as early as KH2 if you count the Roxas fight where he steals his Keyblades.

Retcons. Doesn't really matter now since every man and his dog can get a Keyblade. You could just argue they're really good at weilding them so they get two

In Ultimate Form he can use dozens of blades at once, all wielded through telekinesis.
Sora tends to directly draw on the power of his friends, which is how his Drive Forms in KH2 operate. So without those friends actually living in his heart, he's reduced down to just one primary Keyblade again. I say "reduced", because again, Ultimate Form and Formchanges. Light Form and Dark Form do the same thing.

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Roxas pretty much owes everything to Sora, so it'd be weird if he wasn't extra focused on finding him.

ansembros, don't let this stand

It bothers me how there aren't exactly seven or thirteen swords. You'd think Nomura's autism would have ensured one of the two. Instead there are nine in that image. Nine.

It's especially bad here because the zebra stripe pattern on his pants is clearly modeled after Xemnas from the final fight in KH2. God only knows why.

oh no i just was talking about the blackface.